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The often-maligned Transcendent Brotherhood embraces a strange philosophy that pain tempers the body and the mind, making it easier to attain a transcendent state that approaches Enlightenment. Although the sect is regarded as dangerously eccentric by the Brotherhood of Shinsei and has been excommunicated from that organization, the Dragon have offered them a home within the Tattooed Orders. It seems there is some degree of validity to their claims, and those who have embraced their philosophies have demonstrated they capable of impressive feats of clarity when touched by the agonizing kiss of fire. neW alTernaTe paTh:

School Type
Clan School
Any Tattooed Order 2
School Techniques
Apotheosis of Fire - Members of the Transcendent Brotherhood seek to use pain as a means of achieving clarity of thought and spirit. Once per day, you may spend at least one hour in deep meditation and make a Meditation / Fire Roll against a TN 20. With a success, you harden yourself against the physical harm done by fire and heat, although you still feel all the pain of being burned. (GMs may opt to impose partial or temporary TN penalties to represent the effects of the pain.) For a number of hours equal to your Fire Ring, you are immune to damage from normal, mundane fires and heat (not magical fire or extreme natural heat sources such as molten lava). One Raise on this Meditation roll will make you immune to magical sources of fire; two Raises will make you immune to damage from any source of fire, even a volcano. While experiencing the pain of being burned, and for ten minutes afterward, your intense focus and clarity of thought grant you a bonus equal to your Fire Ring to the total of all Awareness, Perception and Intelligence-based Trait and Skill Rolls.
Fire 3, Earth 3, Meditation 3
Alternate Path Special
GMs who wish to show the Transcendent Brotherhood as gaining greater success and acceptance within the Empire may do so by expanding access to the Path to encompass any Shugenja or Monk School.
Path Technique Rank