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The Final Bond

The greatest bonds can never be broken. This spell allows you to detect the location of one object or individual well known to you, regardless of their location. The object must be one you have spent tremendous amounts of time around, or have handled frequently in the past. If the target of the spell is an individual, it must be someone well known to you, such as a member of your immediate family or a close friend.

Ever-Changing Waves

Ultimate command over Water can allow flesh to flow like liquid. This spell allows you to physically alter your mortal body, changing your shape to match that of another natural creature. While in this form, you keep your Mental Traits. For Physical traits, you keep whichever is higher, yours or those of the animal into which you have transformed. Other natural abilities are gain as well, including natural weapons or sensory abilities. Some traditionalist shugenja sects look down upon this spell as unclean.

Chi Reversal

This prayer invokes Water’s connection to the fow of Chi through the body, taking control of that fow in order to alter the target’s balance of energy. One “pair” of the target’s mental and physical Traits from the same Element (chosen by the caster) have their Ranks fipped for the duration of the spell. Thus, if the caster chose to fip a target’s Fire Traits, an Intelligence of 2 and Agility of 4 would become an Intelligence of 4 and an Agility of 2 for the duration of the spell. The caster may Raise to affect additional pairs of Traits.

Within the Waves

This spell was originally devised by Isawa shugenja trying to locate the legendary undersea kingdom which was supposedly the home of Shiba’s wife. Although they never succeeded in that goal, the spell they created has seen considerable use in the centuries since. Within the Waves persuades the Water kami to hold themselves away from the caster in a spherical formation, thereby forming an air bubble around him. The caster can move the bubble by concentrating, allowing him to explore freely beneath the surface of a river, lake, or even the ocean.

The Path Not Taken

No element can match the sheer versatility and adaptability of Water. Prior to casting this spell, you must select one Ring in which you will be temporarily weakened, and one in which you will be temporarily strengthened. Upon successful conclusion of this spell, you may transfer a number of unused daily spell slots from the weakened Ring to the Strengthened Ring. This spell lasts exactly one day, and then the effects are lost.

Symbol of Water

Priests of the kami are capable of inscribing powerful wards that invoke the power of the elements against all who attempt to pass them. A symbol of water can be inscribed on a solid object, most often a door, window, gate, or any other passageway. Anyone attempting to pass through this passageway or otherwise pass through the area is affected by the protective ward, and must succeed at a Contested Roll using their Fire against the caster's Water. Those who fail are affected by a crippling terror, and must immediately roll against a Fear 7 effect.

Strike of the Flowing Waters

Water flows over and through obstacles, and so too can those infused with its energy. The target of this spell may ignore bonus to his opponents' Armor TN conferred by worn armor, spell effects of Mastery Level 3 and below, and other non-Technique mechanical effects. Against non-human creatures who do not wear armor, this allows the target to treat their Armor TN as 5 lower. This spell does not negate the Reduction awarded by armor, nor does it ignore the increase to Armor TN conferred as a result of an individual adopting the Defense or Full Defense Stances.

Seed of Qanan

A Unicorn secret spell based on gaijin magic, this spell uses the Water kami’s control over internal energy to briefy create a temporary connection between two people, merging their chi and allowing them to call on each others’ knowledge and skill. The targets must be touched simultaneously by the caster to establish the initial link of Water kami, and must remain within 50’ of each other for the link to continue functioning – if this distance is exceeded, the spell immediately ends.