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Earth and Fire

This spell invokes the combined wrath of the Earth and Fire kami, bringing them forth from the ground as a blast of searing magma. Anyone caught in the brief but ferocious blast suffers 5k4 Wounds and is knocked Prone. The damage from this spell bypasses the first 5 points of Reduction on the target, and is considered to be Jade for the purpose of harming supernatural creatures.

Water and Earth

This spell persuades the Water kami and Earth kami in the area of effect to mingle, instantly reducing the ground to sticky, nigh-impassable mud. The spell can be cast anywhere where the ground is normal earth or even stone, but cannot be cast on a finished surface such as a tiled or wooden floor. For the duration of the spell, anyone attempting to physically move through the area of effect can only move a number of feet equal to their Water Ring with a Simple Action, and cannot move at all with a Free Action.

Water and Air

This spell combines the communicative powers of the Air kami with the clarity and divination abilities of the Water kami to grant a potent form of long-distance divination. The caster must have access to a body of still water (a large basin or tub, a koi pond, a moat, etc) in order to cast this spell. By gazing into the water, the caster gains access to the vantage of Air spirits within the spell’s range, allowing him to look down on any location within that range as though gazing down from the sky, and to hear anything happening in that location.

Fire and Water

This spell invokes fire and water spirits at the same time and persuades them to mingle, unleashing a cloud of scalding steam. The area of effect is suddenly filled with super-hot steam which lasts until the spell ends, at which point it disperses. Those caught within the steam suffer 2k2 Wounds each Round they are there (unless they are resistant to heat) and their vision is impaired in the same manner as the Missing Eye Disadvantage until they leave the steam cloud.

Fire and Air

This spell capitalizes on the explosive relationship between Fire and Air to combine offensive and defensive effects. The Fire spirits unleash a blast of flame to scorch the caster’s enemies, while the Air spirits call on the invigorating power of this flame to lift the caster through the air to a safer location nearby. Everyone other than the caster within the spell’s area of effect takes XkX in fire damage (where X is the caster’s Fire), while the caster flies up through the air and lands up to his Air x20’ away, the Air spirits cushioning his descent so he is unharmed.

Air and Earth

This spell causes a ferocious horizontal cyclone to blast outward from the caster, ripping up pieces of earth into a barrage of wind and stone. The caster must be standing on a natural earth surface (e.g. not in a building or on a ship) in order to cast this spell. Anyone other than the caster within the area of effect takes 4k2 Wounds (this damage is considered Jade for the purpose of harming supernatural creatures) and is Dazed; they must also make a Contested Earth roll against the caster or be knocked Prone.