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Mizumoto (Questioner)

Mizumoto was a Crane courtier from the time of Hantei Genji, widely admired for his intellect and education. After retirement to the Brotherhood, he became one of the Empire’s foremost experts on the Tao, renowned for his understanding of the sacred text’s meanings. Those guided by Mizumoto share his intellectual gifts, gaining a +1k1 bonus to all Intelligence-based rolls.

Sakura (Shintaoist)

The woman called Sakura is said to have been the first mortal to understand the possibility of Enlightenment, and some Brotherhood traditions maintain Shinsei himself was among her students. Some legends claim Shinsei’s crow was actually Sakura, transformed, and other legends suggest she may have been a kenku. Although Sakura never attained what modern Rokugan would consider true enlightenment, she understood many truths about the universe. Those who have her guidance are able to comprehend the world at a deeper level than others.

Basso (Shinmaki Sect)

The founder of the Shinmaki Sect claimed his Diamond Sutra was written by Shinsei, although many others believe Basso wrote it himself. Basso’s order, with its bizarre meditative practices, remains the most controversial major sect within the Brotherhood. Those who have Basso’s guidance are able to gain true perception through their meditation, piercing the veil of illusions around them to see things as they truly are; you may see through any illusion or deception as a Complex Action with a Meditation/Void roll (TN chosen by the GM based on the strength of the illusion/deception).

Togashi Kaze (Fortunist/Kaimetsu-Uo)

Although Togashi Kaze was originally a member of the Dragon Clan, he also founded what became the Order of Kaimetsu-Uo when he renovated an abandoned monastery and began teaching the local monks a form of "meditative exercise" based on his martial art techniques. Kaze’s spirit teaches some of his unarmed techniques and meditative abilities to his favored disciples. So long as your Meditation Skill Rank is at least equal to your Jiujutsu Skill Rank, you gain a Free Raise on unarmed attacks.

The Taoist Archers

The Taoist Archers seek perfect harmony through the study of kyujutsu and have existed within the Brotherhood of Shinsei for centuries. In the Pre-Coup era a ronin named Gahei learns the Technique and begins to teach a selected students, and thereafter this Path is also available to ronin characters (assuming they can find someone who knows it and is willing to teach them).

Student of Mizu-Do

Mizu-do is a Crane martial art, originally developed from stage performance. It is a defensive and "soft" that focuses on using the enemy’s strength against him. It relies on locks and throws that neutralize an enemy and end the fight swiftly, all while protecting the foe from any permanent injury. The form is quite popular among the Crane and in the Brotherhood of Shinsei, but bushi - especially Crab and Lion bushi - tend to look down on Mizu-do as impractical and pretentious.

Student of Hitsu-Do

Hitsu-do is an extremely offensive martial art with few defensive maneuvers. It focuses on speed and power, striking with punches and kicks that commit all of the martial artist’s strength and infuses each strike with the power of Fire.

Silent Ones

This tiny order, never encompassing more than a dozen full members in total, is unknown outside the Scorpion lands and barely known within them. However, the upper ranks of the Scorpion Clan find the Silent Ones a deeply useful order, and keep careful note of the temple’s location. These monks spend most of their lives in meditation, but this is not merely due to preference; it is because they literally cannot speak. When an initiate takes the full vows to join the Silent Ones and serve the Fortune of Secrets, as soon as the last word is spoken his tongue vanishes from his mouth.

Pure Song Shrine

For this sect, purity is more than merely a standard - it is the road to Enlightenment. Pure Song monks not only refrain from eating the flesh of any living creature, they also forgo eggs and even root vegetables whose loss kills the plant. They refuse all garments of silk, wearing robes woven from hemp. Those who have taken full vows wear bells on their ankles and their staves to warn creatures of their approach.