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Mizu-do is a Crane martial art, originally developed from stage performance. It is a defensive and "soft" that focuses on using the enemy’s strength against him. It relies on locks and throws that neutralize an enemy and end the fight swiftly, all while protecting the foe from any permanent injury. The form is quite popular among the Crane and in the Brotherhood of Shinsei, but bushi - especially Crab and Lion bushi - tend to look down on Mizu-do as impractical and pretentious. The form is unusually popular among certain groups of courtiers, who see it as a way to defend themselves without the crude violence of weapons. Courtiers from other clans, especially from the Unicorn and Phoenix, sometimes exchange favors to be able to train in Mizu-do. If the GM wishes to incorporate this into the campaign, this Path should be made available to any courtier school, subject to suitable negotiations to arrange the training.

School Type
Clan School
Any non-martial Brotherhood Monk 3, Doji Courtier 3, Kakita Artisan 3, Asahina Shugenja 3
School Techniques
The Way of Water - Masters of Mizu-do techniques are able to avoid nearly any strike, subduing their attackers by using their own strength against them. When performing a Grapple, you use your opponent’s Strength Rank in place of your own. While you are in the Defense or Full Defense stance, when a melee attack misses you, you may immediately take a Free Action to spend a Void Point and make a Jiujutsu (Mizu-do) / Strength roll against a TN of the opponent’s attack roll, but using the opponent’s Strength Rank in place of your own. If you succeed in this roll, you may either immediately Throw the opponent (as per the option in Grappling) or immediately take control of a Grapple against the opponent.
Jiujutsu (Mizu-do) 4, Water 3, access to a Mizu-do sensei
Path Technique Rank