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Dragon Clan Overseer

With the wholesale relocation of the Spider Clan to the Colonies, the Empress had need of trusted vassals to oversee the unstable Spider while they operated so far from her supervision. For this most dangerous task the Empress turned to the clan of her origin, the Dragon. The role fit them well given their traditional nature as teachers, and they have undertaken the duty with great devotion.

Student of Mizu-Do

Mizu-do is a Crane martial art, originally developed from stage performance. It is a defensive and "soft" that focuses on using the enemy’s strength against him. It relies on locks and throws that neutralize an enemy and end the fight swiftly, all while protecting the foe from any permanent injury. The form is quite popular among the Crane and in the Brotherhood of Shinsei, but bushi - especially Crab and Lion bushi - tend to look down on Mizu-do as impractical and pretentious.

Dark Paragon

There are those among the Spider Clan, particularly among the ranks of the Daigotsu bushi and the Order of the Spider monks, who have embraced their own sinister variant of honor and devotion. Even the touch of Jigoku itself can be used as fuel for their power, a power that strangely resembles the oneness many Brotherhood monks have with the universe. Some believe this is an indication that the path of the Spider, while radically different from the paths of the Brotherhood, is a true path to enlightenment.

Asako Inquisitors

The Asako are generally regarded as a peaceful and serene family, the very picture of the pacifistic Phoenix. For the most part this is an accurate picture of the family and their philosophy, but there are those who stand apart from it. The Asako are the primary force behind the Inquisitors, the Phoenix order devoted to eradicating the corrupt and blasphemous from within the ranks of the Empire's shugenja. It is a mission they embrace completely and enact at any cost.

Wind’s Grace Order

Created in the aftermath of the Clan War, the Wind’s Grace Order was home to a great number of formerly serene monks who answered the call to defend the Brotherhood’s temples during that extensive conflict, but who could not regain their former peace and serenity afterward.

Tengoku's Fist

Centuries ago, the Order of Tengoku’s Fist was created as an offshoot of the Shrine of the Seven Thunders. The divide was philosophical, and although it was amicable, the two sects no longer have much to do with one another (this causes some observers to assume hostility where none exists). The monks of Tengoku’s Fist see violence not as an inherently evil thing, but rather as a natural part of existence found in all aspects of life regardless of good or evil, honor or dishonor.

Temple of Persistence

Devoted to the ideal of unyielding defiance and endurance, the monks of the Temple of Persistence believe the ultimate test is to persevere in the face of adversity, rather than merely accepting it. While they are largely a martial order, they accept any initiates who show an unflagging spirit and willingness to persist in their goals despite overwhelming odds. Training in the Temple tests both body and mind, as the monk is constantly given tasks aimed at finding his limits physically, mentally, and even emotionally.

Temple of Osano-Wo Monk

Perhaps the most militant of all Brotherhood sects, the Temple of Osano-Wo stands apart from the other Fortunist orders because of its extraordinary focus on physical prowess and martial arts. Adherents believe enlightenment comes with hard work and physical exertion, and a well-trained body leads to a well-trained mind and soul. Monks of this order are notorious for ritually scarring their skin to mark the progress of their training, giving them an alarming appearance.

The Temple of Heavenly Wisdom

The Temple of Heavenly Wisdom is one of the eldest, perhaps the eldest, monastic traditions within the Crane Clan’s provinces. The temple itself was ancient when the Lady Doji first approached it, having been created by primitive men to revere the oldest of the Fortunes. These monks and their studies aided the Lady Doji in the promotion of culture throughout the Empire, and in the process their temple became something of a sensation in early Rokugan, affording the brothers there an unexpected amount of social prestige and influence.