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With the wholesale relocation of the Spider Clan to the Colonies, the Empress had need of trusted vassals to oversee the unstable Spider while they operated so far from her supervision. For this most dangerous task the Empress turned to the clan of her origin, the Dragon. The role fit them well given their traditional nature as teachers, and they have undertaken the duty with great devotion. Indeed, the Spider have found their oversight somewhat more stifling than they expected, and while the Dragon treat the Spider with genuine consideration (something few other clans are willing to do), many among their ranks find the Dragon’s hands-on style of supervision quite frustrating

Clan School
Kitsuki Investigator 2, Mirumoto Bushi 2, Taoist Swordsman 2, Togashi Tattooed Monk 2
School Techniques
The Empress’s Guiding Hand - Those tasked with oversight of the Empress’s most malevolent vassals, the Spider, have a penchant for using philosophy to manage their charges. When interacting with those who have a lower Honor Rank than you, if your Lore: Theology Skill is higher than your Courtier or Etiquette Skill, you gain bonus rolled dice equal to the difference on all Contested Social Skill Rolls with those individuals. If your opponent possesses the Shadowlands Taint, they suffer a penalty of -2k0 to their roll as well. Additionally, if you impart a theology lesson to a willing target (represented mechanically by a conversation lasting at least one minute, followed by a Lore: Theology / Awareness roll at TN 25), they gain a bonus of +2k0 to any rolls made during the next 8 hours to resist gaining the Shadowlands Taint. This ability may not be used on the same person more than once per day.
Lore: Shadowlands 2, Lore: Theology 3
Path Technique Rank