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Monks practice meditation in order to attain the thought-free clarity of a pure soul on the path to Enlightenment. This Kiho allows a monk to briefly bestow this clarity on another person- whether or not that person wishes it. You make an atemi strike and a Contested Roll of your Void against your target’s Fire. If you win the Contested Roll, your target’s mind is momentarily purged of all thoughts, and he forgets everything that has happened during the last minute. At the GM’s option, this might also cause the target to be Dazed for one Round.

Eight Directions Awareness

Some monks are at a state of harmony with the world to such extent that they are aware of everything around them. While this Kiho is active, you become aware of all living things within a distance equal to your Void Ring x 10 feet. You are also aware of any object or individual within that range that has been deliberately concealed, including secret doors, hidden compartments, buried objects, etc.

Death Touch

The death touch, also known as dim mak, is perhaps the rarest and most reviled use of a monk's understanding of the flow of chi. It involves a series of atemi strikes that disrupt and corrupt the flow of chi through an opponent's body, leading to debilitating pain and possibly death. You must successfully strike an opponent with three atemi strikes on three consecutive Rounds immediately after activating this Kiho, and must spend an additional Void Point after the third and final strike (in addition to any Void Points spent to activate the Kiho).

Waves in All Things

Water flows through all things, including the earth. You may make an unarmed attack by striking at a body of standing water or the earth. The effects of this strike are felt by one opponent who is in contact with either the water or earth (whichever one was struck) and who is within a number of feet equal to your Water Ring x 10. The effect of the strike is quite obvious, and may not be performed discreetly. If you are concealed at the time this Kiho is activated, your position is immediately revealed to the target and those in his immediate vicinity.

Slap the Wave

A powerful expression of inner strength, this Kiho channels the monk's chi outward in an explosive wave that carries the power of a tsunami. You must spend a Void Point to activate this Kiho (Void/Meditation Skill Rolls are not possible). You must strike your hands together and release a powerful kiai shout. Everyone in your forward facing arc and within a distance of your Water Ring x 5 feet must succeed at a Contested Water Roll against you, or become Dazed.

Buoyed by the Kami

A monk whose Water chi is ascendant can resist the siren call of the depths. While this Kiho is active, you may move across the surface of water as if it were basic terrain. This effect only continues as long as you are taking Simple Move Actions each round, and lasts for a maximum of five minutes, at which time you may reactivate this Kiho if necessary.

The Body is an Anvil

A master of the ways of Fire can channel his chi outward, granting him a measure of protection and repelling attackers. While this Kiho is active, your skin becomes extremely hot to the touch, and anyone who touches you, including those who target you with unarmed attacks or those you strike with an unarmed attack, suffer Wounds equal to your Fire Ring. This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to twice your Fire Ring.

Embrace the Stone

By focusing their chi like that of the mountain, monks may become like stone themselves, turning aside blows and ignoring damage. When you activate this Kiho, you gain a Reduction Rating equal to twice your Earth Ring. This stacks with any other Reduction you have from other sources (such as spells or armor). This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Earth Ring.