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Touch of the Storm

By drawing on the essence of the Elements themselves, a Brotherhood monk is capable of pulling the fury of the air from his surroundings and unleashing it upon an opponent. This Kiho requires a successful atemi strike. When such an attack is landed successfully, you make a Contested Air Roll against your opponent. If you are successful, your opponent suffers damage (with a DR equal to your Air Ring) in the form of a violent electrical discharge from the air around him. The damage from this Kiho ignores all forms of Reduction unless it specifically mentions electrical damage.

Stain Upon the Soul

This is a basic marital technique known to many sects of the Brotherhood, but one that is decried by several orders as impure and wicked. Its ease of use and its terrible effect on others are the reasons most often cited for this. You must make a successful atemi attack against a target. This disrupts the flow of the target's chi and causes crippling pain throughout the body, distracting them from everything else. The target suffers a penalty to all TNs as if he suffered a number of Wound Ranks equal to your Air Ring.

The Great Silence

This peculiar technique allows a monk to use a precise attack to disrupt the flow of an individual's chi in such a way that they are unable to speak. This Kiho must be delivered by an atemi attack. If successful, the target of this attack is unable to speak for a number of rounds equal to your Air Ring.

Censure of Thunder

The power of Thunder is not something that can be dismissed by any adherent of the Brotherhood, even those who favor the teachings of the Tao over the precepts of Fortunism. The Thunder Dragon, regardless of its dispensation, favors the bold and the heroic in all things, and those brothers who choose to face armed opponents with an empty hand are well within their rights to call upon its favor with this powerful Kiho.