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Ward of Thunder

Osano-Wo's protection can be temporarily invoked for a suit of armor by casting this spell and inscribing the kanji for thunder on the armor. Those within 15' of the armor are under Osano-Wo's care, and are completely protected from non-magical fire and thunder for the duration of the spell. Additionally, any Fire spell cast by a shugenja other than yourself which targets something within the area of effect has its Spell Casting TN increased by 20

Symbol of Fire

Priests of the kami are capable of inscribing powerful wards that invoke the power of the elements against all who attempt to pass them. A symbol of Fire can be inscribed on a solid object, most often a door, window, gate, or any other passageway. Anyone attempting to pass through this passageway or otherwise pass by the ward is affected by its power, and must succeed at a Contested Roll using their Water against the caster's Fire. Those who fail are Dazed, Blinded fir one Round, and take 3k3 Wounds.

Ward of Purity

Although Earth is the traditional method of opposing evil forces like the Shadowlands Taint, the spirits of Fire can also be invoked to purge and destroy such spiritual abominations. This spell binds a Fire kami into a specific location which it protects against the forces of evil. Casting the spell requires inscribing elaborate kanji on a flat surface in chalk or ink, and takes one minute of concentrated effort, after which the Spell Casting Roll must be made.

Symbol of Air

Priests of the kami are capable of inscribing powerful wards that invoke the power of the elements against all who attempt to pass them. A Symbol of Air must be inscribed on a solid object, most often a door, window, gate, or other passageway. Anyone attempting to pass through this passageway or otherwise pass by the area protected by the Symbol is affected by the protective ward. Such persons must succeed at a Contested Roll using their Earth against the caster's Air.

Blessed Wind Of Lady Sun

While the Crane would go without an organized shugenja family or order until the Asahina would be founded centuries after the clan’s founding, a few of Doji’s followers had a talent for speaking with the kami. They focused on the arts of peace and meditation, and this spell was one of their first attempts to bring the harmony of the Elements to a samurai. While this spell is active, all rolls based on Void and Awareness gain a +1k0 bonus when made within the area of effect, and all hostile actions suffer a -1k0 penalty.