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Although Earth is the traditional method of opposing evil forces like the Shadowlands Taint, the spirits of Fire can also be invoked to purge and destroy such spiritual abominations. This spell binds a Fire kami into a specific location which it protects against the forces of evil. Casting the spell requires inscribing elaborate kanji on a flat surface in chalk or ink, and takes one minute of concentrated effort, after which the Spell Casting Roll must be made. Once the Ward of Purity is activated and the power of the kami is fully engaged, however, the kami within the inscription protects the area against the influence of the Shadowlands or the Lying Darkness.

Persons or creatures with at least 1 Shadowlands Taint Rank, or who are under the control of the Lying Darkness, must make a successful Contested Willpower Roll against you in order to enter the Ward's area of effect; you gain a +5 bonus to this roll. In addition, those creatures who successfully enter the area suffer extreme pain, as the power of the ward burns their very essence. Their bodies ignite and they suffer Wounds equal to the total of your Fire Ring + Insight Rank each Round they remain within the area of effect.

Spells and missiles are unaffected by Ward of Purity. the object upon which the ward is inscribed must remain immobile and the inscription must remain clearly visible at all times, or else the Ward is dispelled.

If overlapping Wards of Purity are present, their effects do not stack.

Source Book
Area of Effect
15' radius from the object touched
1 day