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Whispering Flames

Created by the Isawa as a peaceful alternative to lethal battle, this spell creates a transfixing image, forged from the beauty of fire and the whispers of air. Any Rokugani within 50’ who sees the image must roll Willpower each Round against a TN equal to your Spell Casting Roll. If the roll is failed, the target is unable to take any action that Round other than staring at the image. The target may add his Honor Rank to the total of his Willpower roll (as if resisting Temptation), and gains a cumulative +1k0 bonus to the Willpower roll for each additional Round after the first.

Mists of Fear

This spell summons forth a potent illusion of whatever the target fears most in the world. The illusion is present for only a few moments and can only be perceived by the target, who must roll against a Fear 5 effect. If the target suffers from a Phobia the spell will also activate its effects.

Eyes of the Phoenix

This spell’s name is somewhat ironic, and has sometimes been credited to a Scorpion shugenja with a low opinion of the Isawa. Regardless of its origin, the spell’s effect is to persuade a small cloud of strong Fire kami to float directly in front of the target’s eyes. This makes it appear to others as though the target’s eyes have caught on fire, an unsettling effect to say the least.

Whispering Flames

The creation of this spell is credited to Asahina himself, who sought ways to use Fire magic peacefully after he joined the Crane Clan, but in modern times it is found in the ranks of many different families. The spell causes the Fire kami to gather and dance in a pleasing visual shape and with a soothing rhythmic light. Those who gaze upon the Fire kami see an entrancing and appealing vision that distracts them from taking violent actions. All persons within the Area of Effect find themselves entranced and are considered Dazed for the duration of the spell.

Ever-Changing Waves

Ultimate command over Water can allow flesh to flow like liquid. This spell allows you to physically alter your mortal body, changing your shape to match that of another natural creature. While in this form, you keep your Mental Traits. For Physical traits, you keep whichever is higher, yours or those of the animal into which you have transformed. Other natural abilities are gain as well, including natural weapons or sensory abilities. Some traditionalist shugenja sects look down upon this spell as unclean.

The False Legion

The greatest illusory gift of the wind is legion. Within the area of effect of this spell, you can create a number of illusory figures up to your Air Ring x 10. these figures may be as detailed or as vague as you prefer (such as "Crane bushi" versus "Heavy infantry of the fourth Daidoji legion"), although you must be familiar with the appearance in order for this spell to take effect (You could not, for example, replicate a family mon that you have never seen). The figures are fully mobile and will take whatever actions you desire as long as they do not leave the spell's area of effect.

Legion of the Moon

The Moon can reveal what is hidden, but also conceal those who receive its blessings. You may summon the greater blessing of the Moon and envelop a large group of people within it, completely obscuring them from sight. Every individual you choose within the area of effect of this spell is rendered invisible to all normal senses for the duration of the spell. Those within the area that you choose to exclude are not affected. Anyone affected by the spell who performs any action that physically interacts with another individual is immediately excluded from the spell effect.

Seeking the Way

This spell is a subtle illusion used to conceal a shugenja's trail from pursuers. The spell convinces mischievous Air kami to hide the tracks of the shugenja (and his mount, if any), along with any other evidence of his passage (such as broken branches). In their place it create a false trail of similar evidence leading in a completely different direction for the same distance. The illusionary trail will follow a reasonable route (e.g.

Netsuke of Wind

Although it requires great favor, the air kami are willing to coalesce into a solid form for a short period of time if they are fond enough of the priest asking them. You may create a small object out of the air itself, something that can be held in one or both hands and that does not weigh more than twenty pounds at most. This creation is an illusion, but it can be used functionally, including damage if it is a weapon. The object disappears completely at the end of the spell's duration.

Gift of Wind

The ultimate gift of the wind spirits is to become like the wind itself; unseen. The wind kami surround you and render you completely invisible. No non-magical vision can detect your presence. You can still be touched, heard, and smelled, but unless you attack someone else, you remain invisible for the duration of the spell. The kami consider attacking someone to be ruining the joke, and immediately end of the spell's effect if you do so.