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Created by the Isawa as a peaceful alternative to lethal battle, this spell creates a transfixing image, forged from the beauty of fire and the whispers of air. Any Rokugani within 50’ who sees the image must roll Willpower each Round against a TN equal to your Spell Casting Roll. If the roll is failed, the target is unable to take any action that Round other than staring at the image. The target may add his Honor Rank to the total of his Willpower roll (as if resisting Temptation), and gains a cumulative +1k0 bonus to the Willpower roll for each additional Round after the first. Also, any target who suffers physical damage is immediately freed from the spell’s effects (in relation to this, it may be noted that the targets are not physically immobilized and thus have their normal Armor TN).

Area of Effect
All Rokugani within 50’
Range (+25’ per Raise)