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Grounding Energy

This spell, originally devised by the Yogo, calls on the spirits of Earth to fortify the caster and his companions, allowing them to resist the power of accursed maho spells. Any maho spell that targets the caster or any of the caster’s allies within the area of effect has its Spell Casting TN increased by an amount equal to 10x the target’s Earth.

Symbol of Earth

Priests of the kami are capable of inscribing powerful wards that invoke the power of the elements against all who attempt to pass them. A symbol of Earth can be inscribed on a solid object, most often a door, window, gate, or any other passageway. Anyone attempting to pass through this passageway or otherwise pass the ward is affected by its power, and must succeed a Contested Roll using their Air against the caster's Earth.

Earth dragon’S War

This spell calls on the power of the Dragon of Earth to protect an area against dangerous spirits. It was originally pioneered by the Isawa but was soon embraced by other shugenja families, especially the Yogo and the Kuni. The spell requires a warding symbol be inscribed on a solid surface (the ground, a wall, etc) prior to casting; this takes five minutes.

Earth's Protection

This spell calls on the spirits of Earth to protect the area around the caster from the effects o the other three Elements (Air, Fire, and Water) for a short time. While the caster concentrates on maintaining the favor the Earth spirits, the effects of spells which call on those other three elements are mitigated. Any hostile Air, Fire, or Water spell cast within the area of Earth's Protection, or extending its effects into that area, will suffer a +10 TN penalty to the Spell Casting roll.

Bonds of Ningen-Do

This spell, a more powerful and specialized form of Minor Binding, is a ritual designed to bind or dispel troublesome creatures from the various spirit realms. Any creature from the realms of Sakkaku, Chikushudo, Gaki-Do, Toshigoku, or Yume-Do can be affected by this spell. Casting it requires 10 minutes, although if additional shugenja who know the spell assist in the ritual, the time is reduced by 1 minute per additional shugenja, to a minimum of 1 minute.

Elemental Ward

This spell uses the power of the Earth to enhance the resistance to hostile magic. The spirits of the Earth armor the target's body and soul, rejecting other kami when they try to affect the target. When the shugenja casts this spell, he chooses one Element (which cannot be Void or Maho). Spells of that element suffer a penalty equal to the caster's School Rank x 5 when they are cast on anyone under the protection of this spell. (Unfortunately, this includes "friendly" magic such as healing.)