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False Realm

The greatest masters of the wind can create illusions of such beauty and clarity that those affected by them might truly believe they were somewhere else. You can completely alter the appearance of the terrain within the area of effect of this spell. You can make a miserable swamp loo, sound, and smell like a beautiful garden, or vice versa. Although these illusions can be extraordinarily intricate and completely convincing to all other senses, they still have no substance and cannot be touched.

Arrow's Flight

A prayer used by shugenja to aid bushi when an arrow absolutely must hit its target. The shugenja entreats the Air kami to play a game by guiding the arrow, and if the arrow is fired within the duration of the spell, it will unerringly strike its target. (It must still be fired by someone with a minimal understanding of archery - at least one Rank of Kyujutsu.) However, because it is the kami who ultimately ensure the arrow will hit, the shot cannot benefit from the effects of Raises or Techniques.

Soldiers of Clay

Most famously used by Isawa Tadaka and Isawa Sezaru in the early twelfth century, this powerful variation of Rise, Earth is found solely in the Phoenix libraries. Thus far the Phoenix have not shared it with any other clan, although they seriously considered doing so during the Kali-Ma Invasion. Depending on specific campaign settings, the GM could also have this spell introduced to the wider Empire in an earlier era. The spell creates ten human-sized warriors, forming them from earth and stone and animating them with the power of the Earth kami which infuse them.

The Kami's Strength

This spell allows the caster to fortify one person with the power of the Earth, greatly enhancing their physical capabilities and their resistance to damage. The target of the spell gains Reduction of 20 and increases his Strength and one other physical Trait by an amount equal to the caster's Earth Ring. In return, however, the target is weighed down by the burden of Earth and cannot take Simple Move Actions (he can still take a Free Move Action).

DraWing on the Mountain

This spell invokes the strength of Earth to strengthen a physical structure against harm. The wood and stone o the target structure – which may be as large as a castle are infused with the strength of the mountains themselves, allowing it to withstand floods, earthquakes, and the assaults of siege engines.

The Earth Flows

This spell was originally developed by the Kitsu family of the Lion, but quickly spread to other families due to its value to any army on the field of battle. It calls on the Earth kami to re-arrange the landscape of a battlefield in a manner favorable to his side of the battle. For example, a hillside might shift to allow the caster’s side to charge downhill, or a cliff that shields the enemy flank might change into a gentle slope.

Maw of the Earth

This prayer causes the Earth spirits in the ground to wrench open a large pit roughly 20 feet deep, swallowing up anyone in the vicinity. Anyone at or within 10’ of the pit must roll their Reflexes against the caster’s Earth or fall into the pit, suffering 3k2 damage. They are also trapped in the pit until they are rescued or can climb out. (Climbing out of the pit is a Complex Action and requires an Athletics / Strength roll at a TN equal to the pit’s depth in feet.)

Essence of Earth

This spell infuses the target with the true strength of Earth, allowing him to shrug off blows which might otherwise take his life. For the duration of the spell, the target's Earth Ring is considered to be 1 Rank higher, and his Wounds are increased correspondingly. However, when the spell ends, the Earth spirits immediately depart and the target's Wounds return to normal - possibly resulting in death, if he has suffered sufficient injury.

StriKe as Stone

This spell calls on the spirits of Earth to strengthen the target’s hands and forearms, making them as hard as stone. The target’s hands cannot be physically harmed for the duration of the spell (allowing him to perform a variety of feats, such as prying open a lock with his fingers), and his unarmed Damage Rating is increased by +2k0.

Earth Kami's Blessing

This spell infuses the target (which may be the caster or one of his allies) with the strength and resilience of the Earth, making him tougher and more firm-minded. For the duration of the spell, the target gains +2 Wounds per Wound Rank, and gains +1k1 on all rolls involving the Earth Ring and its associated Traits. When the spell expires, any Wounds the target has suffered still remain, and this may drive him into a lower Wound Rank or even kill him.