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Horiuchi Shugenja [Shugenja]

The Horiuchi family was formed late in the history of the Unicorn, but the shugenja school bears their name in modern times has an ancient history with roots from before the Great Clan's return to their ancestral home in Rokugan. During their travels outside the borders of the Emerald Empire, the Unicorn discovered many different methods and styles of magic among both their allies and enemies, incorporating them into a single method. After the Horiuchi family was formed they became some of the foremost practitioners of the meishodo method and in modern times the school bears the Horiuchi name.

The original gaijin sorcerers who created name magic could not speak to the elemental kami and had no direct access to the gods. Instead, they forged amulets of power that could simulate magical effects by invoking the true names of the elements. When the Unicorn studied this magic, they realized it trapped a kami into the item, forcing it to reproduce a single effect whenever the sorcerer focused his will into it. The Unicorn changed and adapted the process to fit their own beliefs. Their meishodo amulets no longer trap the kami, but instead appeal to the elements surrounding the amulet to perform the desired magical effects. However, somewhat like the gaijin originals, a Unicorn meishodo amulet contains only one unalterable effect that can be invoked in this manner.

Meishodo is a Unicorn secret, jealously guarded by all of the clan. Meishodo sacrifices power for speed, using a brief incantation rather than an extended dialogue with the kami, and speed has always been an important aspect of the unicorn approach to life.

  • Benefit+1Stamina
  • Honor4.50
  • OutfitRobes, Wakizashi, Knife, Scroll/Amulet Satchel, Traveling Pack, 4 koku
  • Affinity/DeficiencyEarth / Air
  • TechniqueMysteries of Meishodo - Meishodo is a mixture of gaijin and Rokugani magic, resulting in a fast and powerful method of calling the kami. Shugenja studying these methods learn to create meishodo amulets, keyed to invoke the elements in specific ways. You may create a magical amulet by making a successful roll of Craft: Meishodo/Ring, using the Ring for the desired spell. The TN of this roll is equal to 15 plus 5 x the spell's Mastery Level. Creating a meishodo requires a number of hours equal to the spell's Mastery Level. If the roll is successful, you create a small charm imbued with the prayer to the kami that will cast the chosen spell. Each meishodo stores only one spell, and is used in place of the scroll normally required to cast the spell. Casting a spell through a meishodo requires only one Complex Action, regardless of the Mastery Level of the spell. You do not have to make a Spell Casting Roll to cast the spell, but the spell cannot gain any benefits from Raises (not even Free Raises). You expend a spell slot as normal. You may only create meishodo from spells of a Mastery Level equal or less than your Shugenja School Rank, and can never create meishodo from spells of Mastery Level 4, 5, or 6. Other shugenja may use your meishodo if they are proficient in meishodo magic (e.g. trained in this school).
  • SpellsSense, Commune, Summon, 3 Earth, 2 Water, and 1 Fire

Ide Emissary [Courtier] [CR]

The Ide Techniques focus on a calm mind, serenity in all things, and meditation. They are the most pacifistic of any courtier tradition among the Great Clans, save possibly for the Asako of the Phoenix Clan. The intensity of their conviction with regard to pacifism has waxed and waned over the years, but on the whole they remain devoted to defusing conflict whenever possible. This makes them welcome allies to some Clans, and meddling outsiders to others. The Ide accept compliments and criticism with equal cheer.

The Ide Techniques are different from most courtier Techniques in that they are entirely non-offensive in nature. The Ide specialize in protecting themselves from the ramifications of their actions, and in attempting to defuse conflicts among others.

  • Rank One: The Heart Speaks

    The Ide are taught to adapt instantly to new customs and social nuances, allowing them to avoid giving offense in even the most dangerous and hostile of courts. Also, since they must often deal with foreigners who might react poorly to lies or manipulation, they are taught to employ honesty and direct speech whenever possible. In any situation in which you might inadvertently give offense, whether through accident or ignorance (such as being unware of a daimyo's hostility to a particular subject of conversation), you may roll Etiquette (Courtesy) / Awareness at TN 20 to avoid doing so. You gain a Free Raise when rolling Sincerity (Honest), but any time you roll Sincerity (Deceit), your TN is increased by +5.

  • Rank Two: Piercing the Veils

    After centuries of dealing with unpredictable and sometimes violent folk in the Burning Sands, the Ide have learned an almost preternatural ability to read the emotions of others, recognizing their true feelings and, hopefully, steering away from trouble. You may attempt to read someone else's true emotions in a social situation by making a Contested Social Roll of Etiquette / Awareness against the target's Etiquette / Willpower. With a success, you gain a simple, general idea of their true feelings - which can be very useful when those feelings are not the same as their outward actions. You may Raise for better information, subject to GM's adjudication. (For example, two Raises might tell you, "The Doji is actually hoping for your success against the Dragon.")

  • Rank Three: The Heart Listens

    The Ide family's training emphasizes friendship and good personal relations as the key to successful diplomacy. You may attempt to sway someone's attitude toward you in a positive direction. This requires spending at least 10 minutes in conversation, after which you may make a Contested Roll of your Sincerity (Honesty) / Awareness against their Etiquette (Courtesy) / Willpower. With a success, you shift their attitude toward you in a positive direction. (A hostile individual will become more neutral, an undecided individual will become friendly, etc.) If you make at least two successful Raises on this roll, the target will regard you as an Ally for the remainder of this day (subject to GM approval).

    This technique cannot be used on Sworn Enemies, and the GM is the final arbiter on whether it functions against unusual targets such as nonhuman creatures.

  • Rank Four: Answering the Heart

    At this level of training, the Ide have become true masters of mediation, able to see past all the deceptions and false fronts of diplomacy and discern the true solution to any problem. When using your Rank Two and Rank Three techniques, you may roll additional unkept dice equal to your School Rank.

  • Rank Five: The Immovable Hand of Peace

    The final lesson the Ide school teaches its students is to be such perfect mediators that no honorable person can raise a hand against them in violence. You may spend a Void Point to make a Contested Roll of your Sincerity (Honesty) / Awareness against a target individual's Etiquette (Courtesy) / Awareness. If you win the roll, the target cannot take any hostile action against you (physical, social, or magical) for a number of hours equal to twice your School Rank, as long as your likewise refrain from hostility against that person. This Technique does not work agaisnt those with an Honor Rank less than 2.0 or who possess no Honor Rank (animals, oni, etc).

Iuchi Shugenja [Shugenja] [CR]

With the possible exception of the Tamori, the Iuchi are the least conventional and conservative shugenja family in the Empire. They are wild and carefree, and as many of their sensei's lessons are taught in the open plains as in the temple. This stems from their history of teaching while the Clan was traveling through distant realms. The impact of those years is also felt in the diversity of the family's magical styles. The Iuchi embrace, among others, the style called meishodo, which involves the creation of magical talismans that shugenja can draw on in lieu of the kami.

In keeping with the theme of the Unicorn in general, the Iuchi Technique enhances movement and allows for unparalleled speed, even among the Unicorn. Their ability to cast more powerful Travel spells further enhances their skill in this area.

  • Benefit+1Perception
  • Honor5.50
  • OutfitExtravagant clothing, wakizashi, Scroll Satchel, any 1 weapon, Calligraphy Set, Traveling Pack, Horse (Unicorn Riding Horse), 10 koku
  • Affinity/DeficiencyWater / Fire
  • TechniqueSpirit of the Wind - The Iuchi harness the power of the elements to grant the waves' speed to others. As a Complex Action, you may sacrifice one spell slot of any element to grant one target individual an additional Simple Move Action. This Simple Action is in addition to the target's normal Actions per Round. The Additional Action must be used on the target's next Turn or it is lost. You also gain a Free Raise on any spell with the Travel keyword.
  • SpellsSense, Commune, Summon, 3 Water, 2 Earth, and 1 Air

Moto Bushi [Bushi] [CR]

The Moto Bushi are the living stereotype that many hold of the Unicorn Clan. More so than any other family, they are born of a union between the Rokugani people and the gaijin who were allowed to join the Unicorn during their travels abroad. Owing to their descent from the wild, nomadic, barbarian tribes of the northern steppes, the Moto practice an unfettered fighting style that makes them awe-inspiring opponents on the battlefield, even as it earns them the enmity of all those who despise deviation from the customs and nature of Rokugani warfare.

The Moto Bushi are heavy cavalry, a role around which their Techniques are unabashedly centered. They excel at the Full Attack Stance, and many of their Techniques are geared towards allowing them to do additional damage with any of an assortment of weaponry.

  • Rank One: The Way of the Unicorn

    The Moto combat style is a wild, unfettered fury that intimidates witnesses. You may wield any two-handed weapon with one hand (except for bows). You gain a bonus of +1k0 to damage rolls while mounted, using a scimitar, or while using a two-handed melee weapon (these bonuses do not stack). Scimitars have the Samurai keyword for you.

  • Rank Two: Shinsei's Smile

    The Moto are famed for slicing their enemies' throats from ear to ear, a gruesome display they proudly call Shinsei's Smile. You take advantage of your opponent's weakened state, gaining a bonus to your attack rolls equal to half of his Wound Rank TN penalties, rounded down. For example, if your opponent is unhurt and in the Healthy Wound Rank, you do not gain a bonus. If your opponent is in the Crippled Wound Rank, you gain a bonus of +10 to the total of attack rolls.

  • Rank Three: Desert Wind Strike

    Power and precision are equally valuable to the Moto. You may make attacks as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action when using a melee weapon.

  • Rank Four: The Charge of Madness

    The Moto fighting style is utterly relentless, allowing him to move from one foe to another without ceasing. Once per skirmish, if you successfully bring a target down to the Out Wound Level, you may immediately make an additional attack as a Free Action. This attack may not target the same target as the attack that activated Technique. You may not make Raises on this attack.

  • Rank Five: Moto Cannot Yield

    A Moto never surrenders. While mounted or while assuming the Full Attack Stance you keep an additional number of damage dice equal to half your strength, rounded down. You only gain this bonus while wielding a two-handed weapon or a weapon with the Samurai keyword.

Moto Death Priest [Shugenja] [IH]

The starting individuals known as the Moto Death Priests are adherents of the Shi-Tien Yen-Wang, the pantheon of wrathful gods of death and judgment who were worshiped by the Moto family prior to its allegiance to the Unicorn Clan. When the Moto were still nomads, they paid homage to these Lords of Death out of both reverence and fear. However, when the Lady Shinjo taught the Moto there gods who could show compassion and reward loyalty, they forsook their old devotion and joined the Unicorn. For centuries, the enraged Lords of Death sought their wayward worshipers, finally locating them in the Empire of Rokugan and afflicting them with ill fortune and misery, a kharmic phenomenon sometimes referred to as the Moto Curse. It was not until the days of Moto Gaheris, near the end of the War of Spirits, that the gods were contacted directly and a bargain was struck: the Lords of Death would stay their wrath and in exchange the Moto would resume their worship.

After the reunion of the Moto and the Lords of Death, worship of these gods spreads to other families within the Unicorn, especially once they are elevated to the position of lesser Fortunes in the cosmology of Rokugan. Holding sway in the Realm of Waiting, they pass judgement on the dead who await reincarnation, and their power even attracts a few worshipers from other clans. The Death Priests who revere the Shi-Tien Yen-Wang are singularly focused and disturbing men and women; they bring the blessings of death to those who are determined to be enemies of the Unicorn, and their prowess in battle is something other clans quickly learn to fear.

  • Benefit+1Willpower
  • Honor3.50
  • OutfitSturdy Traveling Clothing, Wakizashi, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, Horse (Unicorn Steed), 5 koku
  • Affinity/DeficiencyEarth / Air
  • TechniqueBlessings of the Shi-Tien Yen-Wang - The Moto Death Priests carry the favor of gaijin death gods and bestow their blessings to their enemies. As a Simple Action you may sacrifice a spell slot and target one enemy (within a maximum range equal to your School Rank x 100 feet). Make a Contested Willpower Roll against that opponent. If you are successful, the target may not benefit from exploding dice or from Advantages that allow him to re-roll a roll. This effect lasts for a number of Rounds equal to your School Rank. You gain a Free Raise on any spell with the Travel keyword.
  • SpellsSense, Commune, Summon, 3 Earth, 2 Fire, and 1 Water

Moto Vindicator [Bushi] [GC]

The Moto family suffered a great blow to their morale and honor during the ninth century when their daimyo Moto Tsume, fueled by pride and arrogance, rode into the Shadowlands with the majority of his forces. He and his men fell to darkness and became some of Jigoku's greatest tools in the fight against Rokugan. These Moto who survived or remained behind were deeply shamed and swore to eradicate all those Tainted creatures who bore their name. This oath gave rise to both the elite White Guard and to the Moto Vindicator School. Although the order of the Vindicators existed before the fall of Moto Tsume, they did not have an intense personal hatred for the Shadowlands and their Techniques had not yet advanced to form a full school. The disgrace of Tsume's defeat changed everything.

The Dark Moto were terrible creatures. They rode monstrous steeds that never tired, struck with inhuman strength, and used foul magic to destroy their foes. The threat forced the Vindicators to become stronger, strong enough to overcome their fallen cousins. They trained to spot the signs of the Shadowlands Taint and to neutralize their opponents' advantages. The Moto called every favor at their disposal to learn from the best, and the Crab were glad to help, especially since the Shinjo had offered help to their Hiruma family.

The Moto Vindicator School focuses the fury and dedication of the Moto to a destructive point. If a Vindicator spots his sworn nemesis, he will not retreat until either he or his foe is dead.

  • Rank One: Purity of the Breath

    The Vindicator knows the only way to combat the Shadowlands is to maintain integrity in the face of the foulest corruption. At the beginning of each Round, you may choose one of two effects to apply until the end of the Round. You may reduce your TN penalties from Wound Ranks by an amount equal to your School Rank plus Willpower. Or, you may instead choose to add a bonus to your Armor TN equal to your School Rank plus your Willpower.

    If you are in a skirmish against creatures of the Shadowlands, the chosen bonus is doubled.

  • Rank Two: Facing the Dark Within

    The Vindicator learns to hone his senses so that he is never surprised by those who serve the darkness. You gain a +2k0 bonus to all Investigation rolls. This bonus is increased to +2k1 if you are specifically attempting to notice the effects of Shadowlands Taint.

  • Rank Three: Justice of Our Ancestors

    The Vindicator's rage at his foes knows no bounds. You may make melee attacks as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action.

  • Rank Four: Avenging Our Own

    The Vindicator's fury is provoked the most when it is directed at those creatures he once called his brothers. You gain a bonus of +2k0 to your attack and damage rolls against an enemy who has attacked you in a skirmish and against any creature with the Shadowlands Taint whether it has attacked you or not.

  • Rank Five: Bloodied but Unbowed

    The Vindicator can push on past physical limits once his goal is in sight. Once per skirmish, you may choose to keep fighting despite your injuries. Activating this Technique is a Free Action. Once it is active, while making melee attacks you gain a bonus to the total of your damage rolls equal to the TN penalties you are suffering from Wound Ranks. (This uses the default Wound penalties, ignoring modifications from Advantages, spells, or other such effects.) The effects of this Technique last for two full Rounds. You may choose to extend the effects of this Technique for an additional Round by taking 10 Wounds.

Shinjo Bushi [Bushi] [EE]

The Shinjo excel at mounted tactics, a trait common to all Unicorn bushi traditions. The family's fighting techniques incorporate a number of gaijin fighting methods encountered during the clan's centuries of travel outside the Empire, and as a result they employ a unique defensive style that depends on concepts such as the active parry, riposte, and other such oddities that most Rokugani are unfamiliar with.

  • Rank One: The Way of the Ki-Rin

    The Shinjo family's natural affinity for horsemanship is immediately obvious and pervades their every action. When spending a Void Point to add +1k1 to any School Skill Roll, you may also add your Horsemanship to the total. This bonus cannot be used while in the Center Stance.

  • Rank Two: Dance of the Blade

    The ancient gaijin swordsmanship techniques practiced by the Shinjo have given them a defensive edge against many styles practiced within the Empire. When you are in the Full Defense Stance and an opponent succeeds with an attack roll that targets you, you may immediately take a Free Action to make a Contested Agility Roll against that opponent. If successful, the attack misses instead. This may be done a number of times per Round equal to your School Rank.

  • Rank Three: The Four Winds Strike

    The swift and relentless assault of a Shinjo is a dreadful sight to behold for his enemies. You may make attacks as a Simple Action rather than a Complex Action when wielding weapons that possess the Samurai keyword. If you are fighting while mounted, you may also attack as a Simple Action when wielding a bow.

  • Rank Four: Spirit of the Blade Unleashed

    Those who mistake the defensive style of the Shinjo as weak can find themselves brutally surprised in the last moments of their lives. When you are in the Defense or Full Defense Stances and an opponent makes a melee attack targeting you, after the attack resolves you may immediately take a Free Action to make one melee attack against that opponent. This causes you to immediately assume the Attack Stance. This Technique may be used a number of times per skirmish equal to your School Rank, but may only be used once per Round.

  • Rank Five: Dancing With the Fortunes

    A Shinjo atop a horse is a sight that gives even the most seasoned among his enemies pause, and for good reason. During a skirmish, when mounted, when you wish to spend a Void Point you may make a Void Ring Roll (TN 20) as a Free Action. If the Ring Roll is successful, you gain the mechanical benefit of having spent the Void Point without actually spending it. (This does not actually create a bonus Void Point, it simply generates the mechanical effects of spending one.) If the roll fails, you spend the Void Point as normal. You may only use this Technique a number of times per skirmish equal to the number of Void Points you had at the start of the skirmish.

    You may utilize this Technique when on foot as well, but the TN of the Void Ring Roll increases to 30.

Utaku Battle Maiden [Bushi] [CR]

The Utaku Battle Maidens, also known as the shiotome, are the finest and most respected cavalry in all the Empire, feared by reputation even more so than their kindsmen among the Moto and Shinjo families. While the remainder of the Clan trans on gaijin riding horses, a larger and sturdier breed than the simple Rokugani pony, the Utaku alone have the right to breed, raise, and ride into battle the legendary Utaku steeds, the finest horses in the world.

Like other Unicorn bushi Schools, the Utaku Battle Maiden Techniques focus on mounted combat, although not to the total exclusion of non-mounted abilities. On a horse, however, an Utaku is a threat to virtually any human opponent. Honor is an important trait for a Battle Maiden as well, and the higher an individual's Honor, the greater the bonuses they receive.

  • Rank One: Riding in Harmony

    The Utaku Battle Maidens value honor above all. You gain a bonus equal to your Honor Rank to one attack per Round. While mounted, you may instead choose to apply to bonus to one damage roll if you choose. You gain a bonus equal to your Honor Rank to the total of all Horsemanship rolls.

  • Rank Two: The Void of War

    An Utaku can sacrifice defense for speed if the flow of the battle calls for it. During Stage 1 of any Combat Round, you may add 5 to either your Initiative Score or your Armor TN. This bonus lasts until you use this Technique again or the skirmish ends.

  • Rank Three: Sensing the Breeze

    The natural feel of the saddle lends an Utaku unnatural freedom of movement. While mounted, you may make attacks as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action.

  • Rank Four: Wind Never Stops

    Like the wind across the battlefield, the charge of an Utaku is unstoppable. While mounted, you may overrun the enemy spending a Void Point. You may take a Simple Action to charge the enemy and attack him at the end of your movement. (Both the movement and the attack take the same Simple Action. If you are mounted, this Action uses the movement rate of your steed.) If this attack succeeds, you gain a bonus of +2k1 to the total of all damage rolls this Turn.

  • Rank Five: Otaku's Blessing

    The Utaku carry the honor of their founder as their shield. At the beginning of your Turn, you may spend a Void Point as a Free Action to activate this Technique. You add your Honor Rank to all damage rolls and Bugei Skill Rolls this Turn. This bonus stacks with those from Riding in Harmony.

Utaku Mounted Infantry [Bushi]

Although the Unicorn Clan is known for its cavalry, the tactics of Shinjo’s children also require infantry to serve as a base of maneuver and to “fix” enemy infantry in place. The need for such tactics became clear during the clan’s years of wandering in gaijin lands, most notably during the 200 years after Shinjo disappeared in battle against the Lying Darkness. During those two centuries the clan fought a variety of opponents, many of whom could not be defeated with a simple cavalry charge. To deal with this problem, the Unicorn developed a force of mounted infantry - soldiers who rode horses while the army maneuvered, but then dismounted and fought on foot. From the beginning, this force attracted a disproportionate number of men from the Otaku family, who were forbidden by family tradition from fighting on horseback alongside the Otaku women. In fact, it was one such man, Otaku Buki, who devised the first specific Techniques for the mounted infantry, drawing inspiration from the gaijin fighting techniques he had seen.

Over time, the School which developed from Buki’s techniques came to be known as the Otaku Mounted Infantry School (in modern times, the Utaku Mounted Infantry); although it drew recruits from all of the families, the Otaku men always predominated. However, it remained a distinctly secondary choice for most Unicorn, since the cavalry schools were considered the premier symbols of Unicorn might, and enrollment in the school was never as high as its sensei (or the Unicorn generals) would have liked. That finally changed, however, after the disgrace of the Shinjo family during the Hidden Emperor era. The Shinjo Bushi School had always been the preferred choice of Otaku/Utaku men who wished to serve in battle, but after the revelation that many of the Shinjo had served the Kolat, a rift opened between the families and the bulk of the Utaku males began training in the Mounted Infantry School instead. This resulted in a sharp expansion in the overall size and strength of the Unicorn infantry forces, and many samurai in the other clans finally began to take note of the school and its students.

  • Rank One: Choose Your Weapon

    The Utaku infantry are trained to fight with sword, spear, and polearm, but each student of the School is expected to choose one such weapon on which to focus his training.

    You may choose either the Kenjutsu Skill, the Polearms Skill, or the Spears Skill you gain a free Emphasis of your choice in that skill. You are trained to use that weapon for both attack and defense. You add a +1k0 bonus when attacking with that Skill. If your chosen Skill is Spears or Polearms, when you are in the Defense or Full Defense stance while wielding a weapon using that Skill, you may add your Skill Ranks to your Armor TN. If your chosen Skill is Kenjutsu, you add half your Skill Rank (rounded down) instead.

  • Rank Two: Speed of My Sisters

    The Utaku Infantryman is taught to move swiftly in order to support the Unicorn cavalry on rapidly-evolving battlefields. On foot you move as though your Water Ring is 1 Rank higher and add a +1k0 bonus to your Initiative rolls.

  • Rank Three: All-Fronts Attack

    The Utaku Infantrymans mastery of his chosen weapon has now reached the point of allowing him to strike in all directions with blinding speed. When using your chosen weapon Skill, you may attack as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action.

  • Rank Four: Utaku's Thunder

    Like the women of the Utaku family, the men of the Utaku Infantry are taught to call upon their Honor to strengthen their purpose and their blows. Once per Skirmish while wielding your chosen weapon, you may spend a Void Point to add your Honor Rank in unkept dice to your attack roll. In addition, your movement bonus (from your Rank 2 Technique) now lets you move as though your Water Rank is 2 higher (instead of 1).

  • Rank Five: Epic of My Name

    The fully trained Utaku Infantryman is an unpredictable whirlwind on the battlefield, striking and dodging with equal skill. The Armor TN bonus from your Rank One technique now also applies while you are in the Attack Stance. Once per skirmish while in the Full Attack Stance you may add a +4k2 bonus to your damage roll with your chosen weapon; if your chosen weapon is Spears or Polearms, you may do this in the Attack Stance as well.