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Akodo Tactical Master [Bushi]

"An army led by an Akodo general has never lost a battle."

So it is often said in the courts across the Emerald Empire and even in the battle tents of the Lion's fiercest enemies. While the statement is not completely factual, the sentiment behind it is undeniable. The Akodo Tactical Masters are the greatest strategists of Rokugan, second to no others. Only a truly unique commander with a powerful destiny can challenge the Tactical Master in his own realm and hope to compete.

The Akodo Tactical Master studies every notable battle in Rokugani history. He examines how the Lion have handled every situation - and just as importantly, how the enemy attempted to find weakness in the Lion Clan's traditional plans. He learns to adapt, react, and change his battle plans to meet every eventuality. Even knowledge from outside Rokugan's borders is not wholly anathema to him, since he can use such intelligence to plan against future incursions from the hateful foreigner.

  • Rank One: The Eyes of the General

    The Akodo Tactical Master spends his entire life studying the teachings of Lion generals from centuries past. He benefits from the wisdom of all of his ancestors and hones himself into the perfect general. You may reroll any one of your dice in each Battle Turn of Mass Combat. You may also reroll any one of your dice during an attack roll in which you called at least one Raise.

  • Rank Two: Malleable as the Sea

    The Tactical master can navigate the sudden changes in the battlefield, adapting and reacting so his army can benefit. You may spend a Void Point to choose any one Heroic Opportunity from the corebook to perform during a Mass Battle Turn. (This choice is subject to GM approval, since not all options will be suitable for the situation and the characters involved.)

  • Rank Three: The Soul of the Army

    The Tactical Master knows he is responsible for his army, and directs its strength where it may do the most damage. You may spend a Void Point to gain a +5k2 bonus on any Battle Skill Roll (rather than the usual +1k1), or to gain a +2k2 bonus to any Bugei Skill Roll (rather than the usual +1k1).

Kitsu Sodan-Senzo [Shugenja] [IH]

All members of the Lion Clan's Kitsu family have some degree of ancestral connection to the original five kitsu who became human, although in most cases the link is only via marriage. Still, the connection is sufficient that the average practicing Kitsu shugenja has the ability to perceive and influence connections mortals possess to the ancestral realms.A small handful of the Kitsu, however, possess a true blood lineage to their inhuman kitsu founders, and in these individuals much more significant powers can manifest.

The true-blooded Kitsu are known as sodan-senzo, and the family's sensei teach them secret techniques that evoke their hidden powers. They can not only sense ancestral connections but can actually project their souls into the spirit realms in order to interact with the souls of the dead. The Kitsu regard this as the most sacred of tasks and never undertake such a thing lightly. Some are also able to manifest a pale shadow of the original kitsu's physical abilities as well, something that has proven a fatal surprise for many of the Lion's enemies over the centuries.

  • Rank One: Senses of the Kitsu

    The first gift of a true son of the kitsu is the ability to detect portals between the realms. Any time a spirit portal exists within a radius equal to your School Rank x 10 miles, the GM may opt to secretly make a Spellcraft / Perception (TN 25) roll to determine if you detect it. If the portal is within a number of miles equal to your School Rank or less, you pass this test automatically. Your previous School Rank increases by one for the purposes of casting spells.

  • Rank Two: Hand of the Kitsu

    Although peaceful, the kitsu were powerful warriors, and their descendants carry that potential within them. Your unarmed damage increases by an additional +0k1, representing the spiritual talons of the kitsu. You may make a Meditation Skill Roll (TN 30) to project your soul into the realms of Meido or Yomi, where you may interact with ancestral spirits (using Social Skill Rolls as normal if required).

  • Rank Three: Soul of the Kitsu

    For the true kitsu there are no boundaries. When you project your soul into the spirit realms (as described above in the Rank 2 Technique) you may take another person with you if they also succeed at the Meditation Skill Roll. This passenger may see and hear everything you experience, but may not speak. Ancestral spirits with whom you interact can sense this passenger. Additionally, you gain one additional rank in the previous School for the purpose of casting spells.

The Lion's Pride [Bushi] [CR]

The Lion's Pride is one of the most respected military units in the empire, feared for its prowess on the battlefield and its long list of successes. Only female Matsu samurai-ko can join the Lion's Pride to uphold their high standards. They live, train, and fight together as a unit at all times. On the battlefield, the Lion's Pride tries to seek out the enemy generals and kill them, destroying the enemy's battlefield efficiency.

  • Rank One: The Fury of Matsu

    The Lion's Pride bushi's attacks leave no room for counterattack, serving as the perfect defense. You may add +10 to your Armor TN while in the Full Attack Stance.

  • Rank Two: Paragon of Honor

    The Lion's Pride warrior knows that her devotion to her personal honor is its own reward. Opponents with lower Honor Rank within 30' may not reroll 10's. Opponents may ignore this effect for the encounter by spending 2 Void Points during the Reactions Stage of any Combat Round.

  • Rank Three: Matsu's Technique

    Even in the middle of her attacks, the Lion's Pride bushi is ready to counter any feeble attempts to strike her. When an opponent declares a melee attack against you, if you have not taken your Turn this Round, you may immediately spend a Void Point to take a Simple Action to make an attack against that Opponent. This attack resolves before your opponent's attack. If you use this Technique, you may only perform one Simple Action during your Turn this Round. (You may take Free Actions as normal.) You may use this Technique while in the Full Attack Stance