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The sea itself will take form to defend you. The ultimate actualization of the Summon spell, this spell summons a massive kami of pure water to serve you. It takes the form of a vaguely humanoid shape, roughly ten feet in height, with an outline that constantly shifts and changes due to its fluid construction. The kami may move up to 15' x your Water per round, and saturates the ground in a 20' radius around it, ensuring that all terrain in that area is at least Moderate Terrain (unless it is already Difficulty). The manifest kami is treated as if it has all Physical Traits equal to your Water Ring, and attacks with Jiujutsu Skill Rank equal to half your Water Rank. Damage from these attacks has a DR equal to your Water Ring. For purposes of taking damage, the spirit is considered to have Wounds as though it were a human with Earth equal to your Water Ring, but suffers no Wound penalties. It is Invulnerable. If it is successfully reduced to zero Wounds, it is dispelled.

Source Book
Area of Effect
1 summoned spirit