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This spell evokes the target’s inner Water to the ultimate degree, strengthening it to the point where it completely

overwhelms the target’s other Elements. The target – who may be the caster – is physically transformed into pure

clear water, along with anything he might be wearing or carrying at the moment the spell is cast. This state persists until the spell expires, and while the target is water he cannot speak, attack, cast spells, or directly manipulate physical objects. However, he can move more quickly (performing Move Actions as though he has +1 Rank in his

Water Ring), can indirectly manipulate objects by pushing against them, and can fow his liquid body through narrow openings. (The target’s physical mass does not change, so he cannot squeeze himself into a small box or otherwise evade the constraints of his size.) The target is effectively immune to most physical harm, but Fire spells can damage him, as can truly intense heat such as a burning castle or a lava fow. At the GM’s option, certain types of physical events – such as being scattered or partially soaked up with towels – might also harm the transformed person.

Once the spell’s duration ends, the target’s Elements rebalance and he returns to normal.

Area of Effect
One willing person
5 minutes
Range (+20’ per Raise)
Duration (+1 Minute per Raise)