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The Kitsuki are best known as the Dragon Clan's premiere magistrates, but they also serve the clan in the courts. Kitsuki excel at an argumentative approach to the social battlefield of court, learning to refute every aspect of an opponent's position by destroying its logic. Every detail, no matter how small, must agree or be revealed as lies. This method can be extremely surprising to those not accustomed to it, flustering even experienced courtiers. Most samurai hide behind masks of courtesy; losing that defense can disorient a courtier long enough for the Debater to make his move.

School Type
Clan School
Kitsuki Investigator 3
School Techniques
The Ebb and Flow of Deception - The Kitsuki Debater represents his clan in enemy courts across the Empire, fighting for every small advantage he can win for the Dragon. You can see the flow of conversation and discern what topic may force your opponent to tell a lie. make an Etiquette (Conversation) / Awareness roll at a TN 20, plus any Raises you wish to call. (The base TN of this roll may be modified at the GM's discretion, based on the opponent, the nature of the conversation, and other applicable circumstance.) If you succeed, you switch the topic of conversation to something uncomfortable for your opponent. He must roll Sincerity / Awareness at a TN of 20 plus 5 for every Raise you successfully called. (Again, the GM may apply circumstantial modifiers as needed.) If he fails the roll he is visibly discomfited by the conversational trap, and suffers a -1k1 penalty to his next Social Skill Roll against you.
Courtier 3, Etiquette (Conversation) 5
Path Technique Rank