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The majority of the Mantis Clan's holdings are removed from the mainland by a vast expanse of sea, resting amid the Islands of Silk and Spice. The clan has lived this way for one thousand years; although the ascension of the Mantis to Great Clan status resulted in the addition of small mainland provinces held by the Tsuruchi and Moshi (and later the Kitsune), the lifeblood of the Yoritomo family still flows through the fleets of kobune that ferry materials and personnel back and forth to the mainland. The captains of these vessels are the trusted servants of the Mantis Clan Champion, and are responsible for ensuring their clan endures and prospers in spite of the perpetual threats they face from enemies, pirates, weather, and any other number of other hazards. Young samurai look upon these masters of the wave as an inspiration, admiring them for their bravery, their reputation, and their wealth. If some are possessed by the stereotypical arrogance of the Yoritomo family, it is at least well deserved, for they are surely the true sons and daughters of the clan founder Kaimetsu-uo and the chief bearers of his legacy in the modern Empire.

School Type
Source Book
Clan School
Required Rings
Required Skills
School Techniques
Rank One: The Joy of Plunder

The promotion to the rank of captain in the Mantis navy is one that comes with considerable benefit and reputation. Your Status Rank is considered one higher when interacting with all members of the Mantis Clan and with any merchants from the heimin caste. When you spend a Void Point to augment any Merchant Skill, you gain +2k2 instead of +1k1. Once per month you may make a Commerce / Intelligence Roll (TN 25) and gain an amount of koku equal to the amount by which your roll exceeds the TN.

Rank Two: Strength of the Mantis

The true measure of a captain is the quality of those who pledge their loyalty to him. You gain 30 Experience Points which may only be used to purchase the Servants Advantage. The servants purchased in this manner represent a portion of your crew. Budoka servants purchased in this manner are instead considered to be Rank 1 Yoritomo Bushi. You may also spend 10 points to gain a Rank 1 Moshi Shugenja as your navigator. The shugenja is considered to have Air 3 rather than all Rings at 2.

Rank Three: Master of the Seas

A true captain of the Mantis Clan excels in all areas pertaining to his duties. You may spend a Void Point on any Merchant Skill Roll (excluding Craft Skills) to replace the normal amount you would roll with 10k10. You may also add a bonus of +3k0 to all Bugei Skill Rolls made while onboard a water-borne vessel.

Required Other
Must possess the Leadership Advantage, and have been appointed to a position of command within the Mantis Clan