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(This School derives from an alternate timeline where Togashi defeated Hantei and became the first emperor, with Hantei creating the Owl Clan, specialized with dealing with nonhuman creatures. As a result, it does not exist in the main timeline, although GMs can, as usual, adapt it if needed)

School Type
Clan School
School Honor
School Outfit
Robes, wakizashi, bo staff, scroll satchel, traveling pack, 4 koku
School Techniques
In Defense of Ningen-Do - The Seppun shugenja exist both to communicate with nonhumans and spirits and to protect the Empire from their depredations when they act improperly. You gain a Free Raise on any spell which targets a "nonhuman". When casting a spell which inflicts damage on others, you may expend an additional spell slot (of the same Element or of Void) to have the spell ignore Reduction on the target(s) equal to twice your Void Rank. If the target is "nonhuman", this Technique also ignores all damage mitigation effects from creature abilities (other than Invulnerability).