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The founder of the Scorpion Clan was known for his subtle cunning and trickery, as well as a sort of cruel honesty that he employed most famously at his brother Hantei's deathbed. Although his skills and ruthlessness in both battle and politics were legendary, he also carried a life-long devotion to his follower Shosuro, and her corruption by the Lying Darkness led him to his own death. If you are trained in one of the Bayushi Schools (such as the Bayushi Bushi or Bayushi Courtier schools, for example), you gain a +1k0 bonus to all you School Skills, and any time you spend a Void Point on a School Skil, you gain +2k2 instead of +1k1. If you have a Kharmic Tie with another character, both of you may use each others' Void Points, but if one of you dies, the other immediately gains the Momoku Disadvantage for no points.

Bayushi made only one demand of his followers - loyalty. He expects the same of you. If you ever voluntarily and knowingly betray the Scorpion Clan, he will abandon you. He will also abandon you if your Honor ever climbs to 5.0 or better - such pure souls have no place in the ranks of Rokugan's designated villains.
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