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When the Empire was first formed, the Scorpion were tasked with two sacred duties: one was to safeguard the Black Scrolls in which was bound the power of the fallen dark god Fu Leng, and the second was to serve as a villain against which the Great Clans could unite so they would never unite against the Emperor. It is the latter duty at which the Scorpion have excelled, and in which they revel.


The former Phoenix, originally husband to Asako, who was cursed by Fu Leng to betray the one he loved. Yogo joined the Scorpion Clan and started a new family there, studying the techniques that became Yogo ward magic. Yogo's guidance grants you a +1k1 bonus to all Spell Casting Roll when casting any Wards spell, but due to your blood connection to him you automatically gain Bad Fortune: Yogo Curse for no points.

Soshi Saibankan

The founder of Rokugan's modern law-enforcement system was a clever and eccentric man who was nonetheless dedicated to maintaining law and order in a fractious Empire. The guidance of this famous judge grants you a bonus of +3k1 (rather than +1k1) whenever you spend a Void Point on a roll using the Perception Trait or the Lore: Law Skill.


Bayushi's most beloved follower was consumed by the Lying Darkness, and spent centuries imprisoned by the kami Togashi before finally escaping during the Hidden Emperor era. At the end of that era, Bayushi carried her soul into Yomi, and since that time she has begun to show her favor to those of her descendants she finds worthy. If Shosure's whispers guide your actions, you gain a +3k1 bonus to all Stealth, Acting, and Sincerity (Deceit) skill rolls.


The founder of the Scorpion Clan was known for his subtle cunning and trickery, as well as a sort of cruel honesty that he employed most famously at his brother Hantei's deathbed. Although his skills and ruthlessness in both battle and politics were legendary, he also carried a life-long devotion to his follower Shosuro, and her corruption by the Lying Darkness led him to his own death.

Soshi Deceivers

For centuries the Soshi Deceivers are the darkest secret of the Soshi family: a secret group who combine Air magic and the power of Nothing to produce a host of sinister effects. They are notably adept at illusion magic, cloaking their actions in concealing shadows, rendering themselves invisible, or taking on the visage of others to deflect blame for their actions.

Sons of Shadow

The Colonies are a vast area in which many dangers and secrets are hidden. The other clans are interested in those secrets, interested in what resources and power might be contained or unleashed by them, interested in how they can benefit from such things. But while the clans understand the physical dangers of such things, only the Scorpion understand the spiritual threat. Only they know the razor’s edge on which they walk, risking the integrity of their honor and indeed their souls by studying such gaijin artifacts.

Shosuro Defilers

The Defilers are an elite group within the Scorpion who specialize in the destruction of reputations, skillfully spreading lies and calumnies against their opponents, often lies backed with just enough truth to make them effective. They tend to be prominent figures whose vicious tongues earn them many enemies, and their tactics can sometimes rebound back on them - especially if the target of their words has a better dueling champion than they do. However, a true Defiler is more than ready to give his life in return for shattering the name, honor, and repute of an enemy of the Scorpion.

Shosuro Assassins

The Assassins are the venomous sting of the Scorpion, their activities one of the greatest sources of paranoia in all Rokugan. They are trained to dispatch all manner of targets in every sort of circumstance, relying on tanto as small, easily concealed weapons which are ideal for infiltration work. The Shosuro Assassins learn to employ precise knife cuts and stabs to slay their targets in a matter of seconds with a minimum of noise and commotion.

Shadow Hunter

The Scorpion Clan never publicly acknowledges the existence of many of their elite forces. Their assassins and ninja can slip past powerful defenses to reach their targets. However, these ninja are only humaan and have limits to their abilities. The Soshi's Shadow Hunters are adept in speaking with kami, bypassing normal thresholds of power. The Shadow Hunters can alter the world with the help of their spells. These elite assassins meld with the darkness, revealing themselves only to devastate their foes.