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Tetsubo of Earth

You summon a tetsubo of pure earth, studded with all manner of stones. The weapon's default form is a tetsubo, but one Raise can change its form to any other heavy weapon of your choosing. The tetsubo has a DR of 2k2. When wielding this weapon, you may use your School Rank in place of your Heavy Weapon Skill if you wish. If you do have the Heavy Weapon Skill, the tetsubo grants you a Free Raise for the Knockdown maneuver (this bonus does not apply if you grant the Tetsubo to another person instead of wielding it yourself). The tetsubo disappears if it is lost from your hand.

Soul of Stone

This spell fills the target's soul with the firm and unyielding strength of stone. For the duration of the spell, the target's feelings are immovable, and any attempt to divert or distract him will be resisted with supernatural determination. He gains a +3k0 bonus to any rolls made to resist emotional manipulation or the distractions of desire, including Courtier (Manipulation) rolls, Temptation rolls, Compulsions, and any similar effect the GM judges to be appropriate.

Minor Binding

This spell was pioneered by the Kuni family but has come into use among other shugenja who battle the forces of the Shadowlands, such as the Scorpion and the Phoenix. It is used to safely imprison minor Shadowlands creatures, typically for purposes of interrogation. Any Shadowlands creature with an Earth of 3 or less can be targeted with this spell. It cannot affect the Lost, Oni Lords or their spawn, or creatures with an Earth of 4 or higher, nor can it affect creatures who are not Tainted.

Jurojin's Balm

This spell fills the target's body with the purity and vigor of Earth, driving out poisons and impurities. If the target suffers the effects of any poison or toxin within the duration of the spell, or is already under the effects of a poison when the spell targets him, he may re-roll any failed Stamina roll to resist the poison, with a bonus of +2k0 to the second roll.

Jade Strike

This summons forth the purest of Earth kami, those of jade, in the form of a blast of iridescent green energy. The jade power flies out and unerringly strikes the chosen target - it cannot be intercepted or deflected, although Magic Resistance or other forms of magical defense can thwart it. If the target has at least one Rank of Taint, the Jade Strike will inflict damage with a DR of 3k3, burning and blackening the Tainted flesh. However, a target who does not have at least a full Rank of Taint will not suffer any damage from the spell.

Elemental Ward

This spell uses the power of the Earth to enhance the resistance to hostile magic. The spirits of the Earth armor the target's body and soul, rejecting other kami when they try to affect the target. When the shugenja casts this spell, he chooses one Element (which cannot be Void or Maho). Spells of that element suffer a penalty equal to the caster's School Rank x 5 when they are cast on anyone under the protection of this spell. (Unfortunately, this includes "friendly" magic such as healing.)

Earth's Touch

With this spell, the shugenja calls forth the Earth of the target (which may be himself), invoking the kami to strengthen his health and mental fortitude. For the duration of the spell, one of the target's Earth Traits (chosen by the caster) is increased by 1. This does not increase the Ring itself, but it can enhance the target's ability to withstand temptation, resist poisons, or dominate others.

Earth's Stagnation

This spell calls on the Earth in the target's body to weigh him down, impeding his movements. The target suffers a -2k0 penalty to all rolls using the Agility trait, and his Water Ring is considered 1 Rank lower for the purposes of how far he can move.

Courage of the Seven Thunders

This spell infuses the targets (who may include the caster) with firm and unyielding courage, bolstered by the eternal power of the Earth. For the duration of the spell, all targets gain +5k0 to resist any kind of Fear effect, whether magical or natural. However, this spell is associated with the memory of the legendary Seven Thunders, and those whose connection to the Thunders is tenuous do not receive the same degree of blessing from the Earth kami. Samurai who are not of the original Seven Great Clans receive only +3k0 to their rolls to resist Fear.