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This spell infuses the targets (who may include the caster) with firm and unyielding courage, bolstered by the eternal power of the Earth. For the duration of the spell, all targets gain +5k0 to resist any kind of Fear effect, whether magical or natural. However, this spell is associated with the memory of the legendary Seven Thunders, and those whose connection to the Thunders is tenuous do not receive the same degree of blessing from the Earth kami. Samurai who are not of the original Seven Great Clans receive only +3k0 to their rolls to resist Fear. Anyone who has at least a full Rank of Shadowlands Taint cannot benefit from this spell, although this will not actually reveal that they are Tainted.

This spell may be cast as a combined ritual by two or more shugenja who know the spell, in which case they may add their highest single Earth Rank to their combined total School Ranks to determined how many targets the spell can affect.

Source Book
Area of Effect
Targets up to caster's Shugenja School Rank
10 minutes
Duration (+1 minute)
Targets (+1)