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Known for centuries as the Left Hand of the Emperor, the Crane Clan is responsible for maintaining the balance and integrity of the Empire's courts and of Rokugani society in general. As such, the Crane excel at diplomacy and politics, and are widely regarded as the unquestioned masters of the courts, with all the resentment from others that title entails.


Doji's husband was both a duelist and an artisan of renown, author of The Sword, and served as the first Emerald Champion in Rokugan's history. However, he also started the Crane Clan's long and bitter feud with the Lion Clan. Those who have Kakita's guidance may spend a Void Point to re-roll any Iaijutsu or Artisan Skill roll with a +1k1 bonus to the second roll. They keep the better result.

Doji Hayaku

Doji's youngest son, the founder of the Daidoji family, was a skilled warrior who spent two years hunting for his lost sister Konishiko. He ultimately retrieved her sword (and her soul) from the Shadowlands, but in the process he lost his voice and his hair turned white. Hayaku's guidance grants you a +1k1 bonus to Lor: Shadowlands rolls and a Free Raise on all attacks with Spears.


The Lady Doji created most of the rules and concepts of Rokugani civilization, and her influence is still felt throughout the Empire's courts in the present day. Those who receive Doji's advice gain a +1k0 bonus to all of their Courtier, Etiquette, Perform, and Sincerity rolls.

Asahina Koresada

Asahina Koresada was the preeminent healer of his time, and in his youth he served as Emperor Hantei XIX’s personal physician. After his infant grandson tragically died from Water Fever, Koresada spent his twilight years traveling the Empire with many of his fellow Asahina, healing sick children regardless of their caste. Koresada will bestow his guidance on any Crane descendant with a passion for medicine, encouraging them to more altruistic in the use of their gifts.


A powerful and talented Phoenix Clan Fire shugenja who forsook the ways of violence and married into the Crane Clan, Asahina became one of the Empire's foremost advocates of peace. His family maintains his traditions to this day. Asahina's spiritual guidance grants you a +1k0 bonus on Mediation Rolls and a +1k1 bonus to Spell Casting Rolls when casting a non-damaging spell with the Craft or Defense keywords.

Tsume Pikemen

The Tsume vassal family prided themselves on being masters of the spear, teaching their bushi to specialize in defensive tactics and rely on a wall of spear-points to break enemy charges. After the Tsume ruling bloodline is exterminated in the War of Bleeding Flowers, the Daidoji continued their tradition and training in their dojo.

Student of Mizu-Do

Mizu-do is a Crane martial art, originally developed from stage performance. It is a defensive and "soft" that focuses on using the enemy’s strength against him. It relies on locks and throws that neutralize an enemy and end the fight swiftly, all while protecting the foe from any permanent injury. The form is quite popular among the Crane and in the Brotherhood of Shinsei, but bushi - especially Crab and Lion bushi - tend to look down on Mizu-do as impractical and pretentious.

Sisters of the Sacred Light

Founded in the years immediately after the creation of the Centipede Clan, the Sisters of the Sacred Light were originally created to deal with infestations of mischievous spirits. Although founded by the Centipede, they recruit women from several clans, and those women are expected to forsake their former loyalties in order to follow the path of purity and wisdom which the Sisters teach. They dress in the traditional garb of a temple priestess (a red hakama and white gi), bereft of all markings save for a single clan mon to indicate their ancestry.

Kakita Jesters

Within the Kakita Artisan Academy is a small dojo where students are instructed in one of the most peculiar arts of the Kakita: the path of the Jester. The Jesters are a specialized variant of kabuki acting, and their studies include acting, dance, poetry, music, and political commentary. There are few samurai suited to the life of a Jester, and the dojo is never crowded.