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13Shameful Past
48Illustrious Past
90Mixed Blessing

Crane Heritage

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1Your ancestor was in charge when a clan treasure vanished. He committed seppuku and your family has worked to rebuild its reputation ever since. You gain the Driven Disadvantage.
23Your ancestor was mildly obsessed with her looks, and people say you act just like her. You gain a 2-point Compulsion: Always Look Your Best.
45Your ancestor was a clan magistrate but was rumored to sell justice to the highest bidder. His fl aw has been passed down through the bloodline to you. You gain the Greedy Disadvantage.
67Your ancestor was a soldier who deserted rather than face the enemies of the Crane. His deeds still stain your family’s reputation. You start with 0.5 less Status and 0.5 less Glory than normal.
89Your ancestor lost an important duel and his failure still hangs over your line. You start with 1.0 less Honor and 0.5 less Status than normal.
0Your ancestor claimed a rival’s art as his own, winning praise from the Imperial Court. If the deceit is ever discovered, your family will be ruined. You gain the Dark Secret Disadvantage.

Shameful Crane Past

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1Your ancestor created a work of art that is still admired to this day. You gain 1 free Rank in the appropriate Artisan skill and 0.5 Glory.
23Your family has ties of marriage or alliance with another clan. You may take the Different School Advantage for 2 less Experience Points.
45Your ancestor served the clan as a clerk in the Imperial bureaucracy. You may take the Precise Memory Advantage for 2 less points.
67Your ancestor fought in one of the famous battles of his time, and his courageous deeds are still celebrated in the Crane Clan. You gain 0.5 Glory and a free Rank in either Battle or a Weapon Skill of your choice.
89Your ancestor nearly single-handedly averted a political catastrophe and turned it into a victory for the Crane. His brilliance is reflected in your own skills. You may take the Clear Thinker Advantage for 1 less Experience Point.
0Your ancestor saved an Asahina Fetish Master from a serious social mishap. In thanks she gave your family a fetish (chosen by the GM) which has since been passed down to you.

Illustrious Crane Past

1At your gempukku you were given an item. It seemed commonplace, but you were told you were to be its keeper and only use it in a time of great need. You were also told no one was sure what it did.
23Your ancestor slew a major enemy of the Crane in a duel. His descendants remember this as well. You gain 0.5 Glory but also gain a Sworn Enemy in another clan.
46Your ancestor ignored his duty to the Crane and followed a personal quest to a different school in another clan. He made allies for your family but his obsessive nature has been passed down to you. You may take the Different School Advantage for two less points, but you have the Driven Disadvantage.
70Your ancestor was a magistrate who revealed another family’s dishonor. You have inherited his uncompromising and perceptive nature. You gain a free Rank in Investigation and the Contrary Disadvantage.
89Your ancestor was a highly successful merchant patron who cared little about scruples or propriety. You are a true heir to his traditions. You gain an additional 3 koku in your starting Outfi t, but gain the Insensitive Disadvantage.
0Your ancestor was an artist of high renown and you’re expected to follow in his footsteps, perhaps even to surpass him. You may take the Soul of Artistry Advantage for 2 less points, but you gain the Disadvantage Consumed by Perfection.

Crane Mixed Blessings

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