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The False Legion

The greatest illusory gift of the wind is legion. Within the area of effect of this spell, you can create a number of illusory figures up to your Air Ring x 10. these figures may be as detailed or as vague as you prefer (such as "Crane bushi" versus "Heavy infantry of the fourth Daidoji legion"), although you must be familiar with the appearance in order for this spell to take effect (You could not, for example, replicate a family mon that you have never seen). The figures are fully mobile and will take whatever actions you desire as long as they do not leave the spell's area of effect.

Rise, Air

The wind itself will take form to defend you. The ultimate actualization of the Summon spell, this spell summons a massive kami of pure air to serve you. It takes the form of a vaguely humanoid shape, roughly ten feet in height, with an indistinct outline visible only because of small debris caught up in its body. The kami may move up to 10' x your Air per Round, and generates powerful winds in a twenty foot radius around it that hinder movement, preventing anyone from making Simple Move Actions within its area of effect.

Slayer's Knives

The wind can be deadly to those unprepared for its fury. You summon a powerful wind that tears through anything in its path. At your behest, the kami create a corridor of air filled with a cutting wind that inflicts a DR equal to your Air Ring +2k0 to everything in its path. (For example, a shugenja with Air 4 would inflict 6k4 damage with this spell). Paper and light cloth are destroyed instantly, although heavier cloth may only be damaged. Anyone damaged by these winds must succeed at an Earth Ring Roll (TN 20) or be Knocked Down.

Legion of the Moon

The Moon can reveal what is hidden, but also conceal those who receive its blessings. You may summon the greater blessing of the Moon and envelop a large group of people within it, completely obscuring them from sight. Every individual you choose within the area of effect of this spell is rendered invisible to all normal senses for the duration of the spell. Those within the area that you choose to exclude are not affected. Anyone affected by the spell who performs any action that physically interacts with another individual is immediately excluded from the spell effect.

Facing Your Devils

This is a dangerous and powerful spell which had appeared among ronin shugenja from time to time for almost a thousand years of Rokugani history. The spell is often regarded as wicked by clan shugenja, so those ronin who learn it guard its secrets carefully and only pass it on to their most trusted students. Typically no more than one or two shugenja in a generation will learn it. In the time of the Clan Wars, the spell's most famous user was the ronin Heichi Chokei, who claimed to be a descendent of the long-lost Boar Clan.

Echoes on the Breeze

No destination is beyond the reach of the wind. With a simple prayer to the kami, you can send your words across the span of the Empire, whispering into the ear of anyone you need to send a message. The person must be someone you know, and the spell will establish a link between you two of you only as long as you concentrate. You may communicate with one another, although you only hear each other's voices as whispers. Both participants are instantly aware when the connection is forged, and either can end it at any point.

Draw Back the Shadow

Just as the kami craft illusions, they can cast them aside. Within the area affected by this spell, any illusions created by spells of Mastery Level 4 or lower are automatically dispelled. Spells of Mastery Level 5 or 6 require a Contested Air Roll between you and the shugenja who created those spells; if you are successful, those illusions are dispelled as well. Ongoing magical effects that are not illusions may also be dispelled by this spell, but require a Contested Ring Roll between you and their creator, using your Air versus his appropriate Ring.

Defender From Beyond

Among the innermost circles of the Kitsu family are the ancestral shugenja who carry the bloodlines of the first kitsu spirits. These secretive shugenja have discovered rituals which can persuade the Air kami to carry a message to Yomi itself, calling for the aid of an ancestral shiryo. Only Kitsu Shugenja may learn this spell, which is a secret of the sodan-senzo order.

Cloud the Mind

This extremely invasive spell is considered blasphemous by most honorable shugenja, and many respectable shugenja orders would find its use reason for excommunication if not outright execution. This spell calls upon the air kami to befuddle and dismay a target, invading their mind and influencing their ability to recall exactly what happened to them over a certain length of time. When this spell is successfully cast against a target, you must succeed at a Contested Roll using your Air versus the target's Earth.

Wisdom of the Kami

This prayer invites the kami of the Air into the mind of the shugenja himself, enhancing the shugenja's mind and thoughts, causing him to be able to make better use of his skills and knowledge. For the duration of the spell, the caster gains 1 Rank in all Skills hie normally possesses, and may benefit from any Mastery Abilities that this would award. This can only grant ranks in Skills the shugenja already possesses - the Air kami cannot evoke knowledge the caster does not possess.