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Curse of the Clan

This subtle curse causes a samurai to manifest his clan’s most stereotypical and notorious behavior. For example, a Crab might become more crude, intolerant, and ruthlessly pragmatic, while a Phoenix might become more arrogant and obsessed with magical power. The changes are signifi cant but not overwhelming, and the victim of the spell will try to rationalize and justify his behavior. If a PC is targeted with this spell the GM should present the situation as a role-playing challenge rather than dictating how the character is played.

Ward of Divine Peace

This spell is favored by Bloodspeaker cell leaders, who use it to maintain psychological dominance over their followers. The spell’s name is an ironic joke within the cult’s ranks. The spell creates a false aura of calm and well-being that lasts for several hours. This makes it difficult for them to focus their attention or resist appeals from others. Anyone who is within the spell’s area of effect, or who enters it while the spell is in effect, suffers a -1k0 penalty to all Skill and Trait rolls that use Awareness or Willpower.

Sinful Dreams

This subtle and sinister spell causes the target to experience dreams of committing dark, sinful, and dishonorable acts. It can only be cast on a person who is either sleeping or in a situation where they could easily fall asleep (resting, meditating, etc). The caster need not know exactly where the target is located. So long as the target is within the spell’s range, the spell will succeed. Due to the impact of these disturbing and distracting dreams, the victim of this spell becomes vulnerable to future manipulation by the caster.

Inspire Fear

This maho spell causes the target person to gain a Phobia of the caster’s choice. For the duration of the spell, the victim is considered to have a 3-Point Phobia (as per the Disadvantage) of a nature chosen by the caster. Mahotsukai frequently use this spell to make their victims afraid of their weapons or allies, to make shugenja afraid of their spell-scrolls, and other cruel tricks.

Blood and Darkness

This spell plunges the air around the caster into an unnatural visual obscurement, either pitch black or dark blood red as the caster desires, as the kansen literally block the vision of everyone in the area of effect. Everyone who enters or remains within the spell’s area of effect, except for the caster, is considered to be Blind until they move out of the area of effect. The caster can see normally : the kansen recognize their master and do not block his vision. The zone of obscurement does not move once it is created.

Wrath of Kaze-no-Kami (Hurricane)

The wrath of the air kami, and the Fortune of the Wind, is truly dreadful to behold. In casting this spell, you unleash the full force of a hurricane upon your enemies. When the spell takes effect, you are standing in the eye of the storm, a zone radiating twenty feet in every direction from you, and in which no ill effects of the spell are suffered. Outside the eye, however, the brutal effects of the storm tear at everything in its path. Objects weighing less than five hundred pounds are lifted by the wind and tossed into the storm.

The World is Truth

This secret spell is an important element in the Kolat’s methods for creating sleeper agents, but even when used by itself it is a potent weapon in the conspiracy’s arsenal. The Kolat typically use this spell when it is vitally necessary to conceal their operations without actually killing someone - typically because the person in question is too important to be easily disposed of.

Wind of the Moon

Air acolytes of some potency realize it is possible to read the minds of others, but a few shugenja have looked at this as only the beginning of what can be done with Air. Through extremely advanced and powerful invocations of the Air kami, it is possible for a shugenja to not only read the surface thoughts of another but to transit his own thoughts into the mind of that person. This is considered a highly questionable act, and the Phoenix Clan considers this spell to border on blasphemy.

Piercing the Heavens

Known only to true masters of magic, this spell is a secret of the Phoenix and has never been intentionally shared with any other shugenja school, not even the Imperial one. It is considered a sacred trust among the most high-ranking of Phoenix priests, and not even all of the Elemental Masters have been considered worthy of its power... for to abuse this prayer is to call down the very wrath of Heaven.