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Soul Sword

One of the more powerful and complex multi-Element spells known, this Agasha spell is the ultimate expression of the Elemental Weapon spells, combining all four Elements to create a weapon of pure Elemental power. The weapon takes the form of a 5k4 katana and is wielded using the Kenjutsu Skill, but with a +2k2 bonus to attack rolls as the spirits within the blade guide it toward its foes. The Soul Sword is considered to have the properties of both Jade and Crystal for the purpose of who can be harmed by it, and it ignores all effects of enemy armor (both Armor TN and Reduction).

Stifling Wind

Devised by the Soshi to support their shinobi allies, this spell is a more sophisticated development of the original Earth and Air spell. It mingles the Earth and Air kami to create a thick, choking cloud that obscures vision and renders breathing difficult. All those within the area of effect are considered Blinded while they remain within the cloud and for one Round after they leave (as they must wipe the dirt out of their eyes before they can see again).

Wrath of the Sun

This spell is a creation of the Moshi family, and invokes both the fury of Fire and the wrathful aspect of Air to mimic the anger of the Moshi family’s patron Fortune, the Sun itself. When cast, it unleashes a blaze of searing light and a concussive detonation of air directly above the target.

Drown the Spirit

One of the very few Multi-Element spells known to use Void magic, this spell can only be cast by a Void shugenja. It was devised by the Isawa ishiken as a way of punishing or outright defeating powerful foes, and it works by using the Void to turn the target’s internal Air and Water kami against him. The spell is quite visually spectacular, with the caster gathering a visible ball of dark crackling energy in his hands and then sending it forth to strike and suffuse the target.

Whispering Flames

Created by the Isawa as a peaceful alternative to lethal battle, this spell creates a transfixing image, forged from the beauty of fire and the whispers of air. Any Rokugani within 50’ who sees the image must roll Willpower each Round against a TN equal to your Spell Casting Roll. If the roll is failed, the target is unable to take any action that Round other than staring at the image. The target may add his Honor Rank to the total of his Willpower roll (as if resisting Temptation), and gains a cumulative +1k0 bonus to the Willpower roll for each additional Round after the first.

Water and Air

This spell combines the communicative powers of the Air kami with the clarity and divination abilities of the Water kami to grant a potent form of long-distance divination. The caster must have access to a body of still water (a large basin or tub, a koi pond, a moat, etc) in order to cast this spell. By gazing into the water, the caster gains access to the vantage of Air spirits within the spell’s range, allowing him to look down on any location within that range as though gazing down from the sky, and to hear anything happening in that location.

Fire and Air

This spell capitalizes on the explosive relationship between Fire and Air to combine offensive and defensive effects. The Fire spirits unleash a blast of flame to scorch the caster’s enemies, while the Air spirits call on the invigorating power of this flame to lift the caster through the air to a safer location nearby. Everyone other than the caster within the spell’s area of effect takes XkX in fire damage (where X is the caster’s Fire), while the caster flies up through the air and lands up to his Air x20’ away, the Air spirits cushioning his descent so he is unharmed.

Air and Earth

This spell causes a ferocious horizontal cyclone to blast outward from the caster, ripping up pieces of earth into a barrage of wind and stone. The caster must be standing on a natural earth surface (e.g. not in a building or on a ship) in order to cast this spell. Anyone other than the caster within the area of effect takes 4k2 Wounds (this damage is considered Jade for the purpose of harming supernatural creatures) and is Dazed; they must also make a Contested Earth roll against the caster or be knocked Prone.