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While the katana represents the soul of a samurai, the wakizashi represents his honor. Every member of the samurai caste, even the most pious shugenja or delicate artisan, possesses a wakizashi that signifies bis or her station. Wakizashi are not always carried by such individuals, but they are never far away, and are always taken with them even when traveling. Because of its status as a symbol of the bearer's honor, it is the wakizashi with which the ritual of seppuku is performed.


The katana is the quintessential weapon of the samurai caste. It represents the soul of the samurai who carries it, and while typically only bushi or those trained in the blade's use carry them with them at all times, all samurai typically have one that they own, even if it remains in their home. Courtiers and shugenja do not usually carry a katana with them because doing so implies they are trained in its use, which would in turn place an expectation upon them to defend themselves. A katana is typically kept within a family and handed down from generation to generation.


The naginata is the most respected hafted weapon used in Rokugan, and is particularly popular among samurai-ko and the warriors of the Phoenix Clan. The naginata is similar to the bisenco in that it is a sword blade attached to the end of a spear shaft. It is lighter than the bisento, and longer than th~ nagamaki.