War fan
There are a variety of war fans, also known as ressen, that arc popular throughout the Empire. Different styles have varying levels of popularity depending upon the Clan in question, although they are cenainly most popular in the Lion and Crane lands. Some are shon metal shafts with small circular or shaped metal sheets anached, and bear only a passing resemblance to fans.
An adapted threshing tool, the nunchaku is simple to build and surprisingly effective. It consists of two foot-long wooden handles connected by a foot-long length of chain. Nunchaku are a very poor weapon unless the wielder is skilled in their use, in which case their use is beautiful to watch and delivers a relentless flurry of bludgeoning strikes.
The opposite of shuriken in many ways, tsubute are small, blunt, disc-shaped stones that have been ground down deliberately to be used as thrown weapons. Ninja skilled in the use of the tsubute can easily improvise a substitute if the weapon is not available; any round st0ne will suffice. Tsubute have very little value as offensive weapons and are used more as a tool for distraction and harassment. Because of their small size. tsubute do not add the wielder's Strength to their DR when used as ranged weapons, and their damage dice do not explode.
The shuriken is perhaps the definitive tool for ninja, and one that immediately identifies chem as a member of their profession. A shuriken is a small metal disk with sharpened edges or flat spikes that protrude out from the center. They are cheaply made, easily concealed or disguised, disposable, and simple to produce in large numbers. Shuriken can be and often are coated with poison. Because of their size, shuriken do not add the wielder's Strength to their DR when used as ranged weapons, and their damage dice do not explode.
The kama was improvised from a sick.le of sons, and the vast majoriry of kama in the Empire are still being used in the fields by farmers to harvest crops. However, the kama has also become the signature weapon of a great many Mantis samurai, particularly among the Yoritomo family, so it is generally regarded as a weapon even if it is perfectly acceptable for peasants to possess them.
Jitte & Sai
The jitte and sai are weapons that were adapted from farming implements during the early days of the Empire, and which have slowly gained acceptance with the samurai caste since that time. The jitte in particular is an accepted symbol of a magisterial position. Both are steel cylinders roughly a foot long that possess a short handle and a blunt tip. Both possess metal prongs that originate from the divide between the handle and the blade: the jitte has one prong while the sai has two symmetrical prongs.
Aiguchi & Tanto
The aiguchi and tanto are both very simple, basic knives with few differences save that the aiguchi possesses a hilt guard and the tanto does not. Many samurai carry a tanto for grooming purposes.
Smaller than the yumi and generally easier to use and carry, the han-kyu is a popular bow for use by traveling magistrates or scouts who depend upon speed and stealth. A han-kyu is typically crafted from a single piece of wood or horn.
Designed to be fired from horseback, the dai-kyu is composed of multiple pieces of wood, horn, or sinew bound together with glue. These are easily the most powerful of the standard bows used by arrned forces in Rokugan, and are considered nearly as valuable by an archer as his katana.