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Wholeness In All

An extremely rare Kiho only taught among some of the older Orders, this remarkable ability destroys toxin, disease, and other impurities in the body of the Monk. The focus and calm required to master this Kiho is rare, and the Brotherhood knows it could lead to reckless behavior in the wrong hands. This Kiho can only be activated after two hours of uninterrupted meditation. After the time has passed, you may activate the Kiho as a Complex Action (it can only activate in this manner).

Speed of the Mountains

Earth is many things, but fleet is not among them. By delivering an atemi attack against an opponent and activating this Kiho, you cause their earthen chi to become ascendant. The opponent's Water Ring is considered to be 2 ranks lower for the purposes of determining how far they can move as part of a Move Action. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to twice your Earth Ring.

Rising Mountain

One of the greatest lessons of Earth is not its endurance, but its resilience. As a man chips away at a stone, he finds harder and harder stone beneath. The strength of one who would break a mountain stone by stone will fail long before the strongest layers are even seen. So, too, does a master of this Kiho become more and more difficult to harm as an attacker tries harder and harder to do so. Once activated, this Kiho lasts a number of Rounds equal to your Insight Rank +1.

Bishamon’s Grasp

This Kiho can only be activated when you are in the Defense or Full Defense Stance. While the Kiho is active, on your Turn you may make Grappling attack rolls as Free Actions against opponents who have attacked you since your last Turn.

Steal the Air Dragon

This Kiho borders upon the Mystical, but is not quite as overt as those slivers of enlightenment. By drawing his chi inward, a monk can make himself less noticeable and more prone to being easily overlooked. While this Kiho is active, you gain additional rolled and kept dice equal to your Air Ring on all Stealth Skill Rolls. This effect lasts a number of minutes equal to your Insight Rank.

Flee the Darknes

A member of the Brotherhood is taught the fundamental lesson of keeping his spirit free from the darkness that can envelop all men. When this Kiho is activated, you become immune to the influence of the Shadowlands Taint (or other supernatural ailments, such as the influence of the Lying Darkness) for a number of rounds equal to your Air Ring. This immunity both prevents you from acquiring the Taint while the Kiho is active, and allows you to ignore all penalties (and benefits) associated with any Taint you already possess while the Kiho is active.