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Strength of the Crow

This spell infuses the target (who can be the caster) with a powerful resistance to the Shadowlands Taint, repelling the dark kansen of the Taint with the pure power of Earth. For the duration of the spell, the target(s) gain a +5k5 bonus to all rolls made to resist gaining the Shadowlands Taint, and any maho spells suffer a +10 TN penalty to affect them. This bonus does not apply to any rolls made to resist an increase in Taint the target already possesses - it only applies to new Taint gained from outside sources.

Purge the Taint

This spell was originally created by the Kuni family and is still primarily practiced by them, although knowledge of its prayers has spread to other Clans. It is an elaborate ritual spell, requiring an hour to cast, that calls on the powers of Earth to purge the land of the Shadowlands Taint, driving out all the evil kansen in the area. The spell will remove the Taint from the land, plant life, and inanimate objects within the area of effect. It will not remove Taint from living creatures, nor will it affect powerful Tainted artifacts or objects made of obsidian.

Earth Becomes Sky

This spell summons up several huge boulders from the earth, and hurls them through the air to unerringly strike one (or more) target creatures. The target struck by these boulders suffers damage with a DR equal to the caster's Earth rank. If the caster strikes multiple targets, the DR is reduced by 1k1 for each additional target, to a minimum of 1k1 damage per target. These boulders are made of normal, mundane stone, and thus cannot normally bypass Reduction or Invulnerability, but a powerful caster can infuse the boulders with the power of Jade.

Tetsubo of Earth

You summon a tetsubo of pure earth, studded with all manner of stones. The weapon's default form is a tetsubo, but one Raise can change its form to any other heavy weapon of your choosing. The tetsubo has a DR of 2k2. When wielding this weapon, you may use your School Rank in place of your Heavy Weapon Skill if you wish. If you do have the Heavy Weapon Skill, the tetsubo grants you a Free Raise for the Knockdown maneuver (this bonus does not apply if you grant the Tetsubo to another person instead of wielding it yourself). The tetsubo disappears if it is lost from your hand.

Jade Strike

This summons forth the purest of Earth kami, those of jade, in the form of a blast of iridescent green energy. The jade power flies out and unerringly strikes the chosen target - it cannot be intercepted or deflected, although Magic Resistance or other forms of magical defense can thwart it. If the target has at least one Rank of Taint, the Jade Strike will inflict damage with a DR of 3k3, burning and blackening the Tainted flesh. However, a target who does not have at least a full Rank of Taint will not suffer any damage from the spell.