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Read the Essence

Even objects have resonance, and retain some memory of those who hold them, and events that take place involving them. By meditating upon an object, you can gain a vision of the individual who held it last, or of a major event that might have involved it in some manner. Using this spell on a calligraphy brush, for example, might show the last person who used it to write a letter. Using it on a weapon might instead show the last death it was used to inflict. The GM has ultimate authority over what vision the spell imparts.

Witness the Untold

It is possible to gain fleeting glimpses of things that have not yet happened by peering through the Void. If you are delaying your action, you may interrupt the target of this spell after he has declared his action but before he has taken his action when his Turn comes up. This may be done during each Round for the duration of the spell. (Normally someone delaying their Action cannot interrupt the Action of another participant.)