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Calm Heart Duelist [Bushi]

The dueling grounds of Dark Edge Village are famous throughout the Empire, and as a result many young duelists travel to the village to train and in hopes of meeting both worthy opponents and sensei looking for new students. The village is home to the only notable traditional dueling dojo within the Unicorn lands, although it is quite modest compared to those of the Crane or Dragon and is easily overlooked by visitors to the town. Ironically, most who adhere to the tradition come from the peaceful Ide family. Their purpose in creating a dueling tradition stems from their need to resolve conflicts in which their kinsmen, the representatives of the Unicorn Clan in court, become embroiled. The necessity of being able to skillfully defend the honor of the Ide and the Unicorn as a whole, and to do so without needlessly taking life, has given rise to the dojo of the Calm Heart Duelists.

  • Technique Rank3
  • ReplacesAny Unicorn Bushi School, Rank 3
  • RequirementsIaijutsu 3, Lore: Law 1
  • TechniqueThe Calm Heart Conquers - A soul of serenity can overcome even the most stalwart opponent. You gain a bonus of +1k0 to the total of any Iaijutsu Skill Roll when you are not striking to kill your opponent, whether in a duel to first blood or a skirmish. You may make melee attacks as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action when you are wielding a katana or wakizashi.

Hand of Peace [Courtier]

The Hand of Peace follows Ide's peaceful dictums to their logical conclusions, becoming dedicated pacifists - often of a rather ascetic nature. Although they still carry the samurai weapons which are their legacy as members of the Unicorn Clan, they refuse to ever use them. They serve as good diplomats when dealing with the more peaceful and/or idealistic clans, such as the Crane and especially the Phoenix.

  • Technique Rank4
  • ReplacesIde Emissary 4
  • RequirementsHonor 5.0 or better
  • TechniqueIde's Ideal - The followers of the Hand of Peace are able to overawe their rivals by the purity of their devotion to peace. Any time you are able to propose a peaceful solution to a diplomatic problem or negotiation, you may cite the benefits of peace and roll Courtier (Rhetoric) / Awareness against your opponent's Etiquette (Courtesy) / Willpower. With a success, the opponent is forced to make a meaningful concession to your position (the exact nature of the concession is of course chosen by the GM, but it will always be significant). This technique may be used a maximum of twice per encounter. If you commit an act of violence (even in self-defense) that inflicts damage on a fellow Rokugani (even a ronin or bandit), your sense of moral serenity is shattered and you lose the benefits of this technique for one month.

Ide Caravan Master [Courtier]

The Ide family of the Unicorn are not only its representatives in court, but they also serve as its most effective and numerous merchant patrons. In particular, the Ide are well known for their merchant caravans, which travel across the Empire and sell the clan’s unusual wares to all manner of interested customers. This is an incredibly profitable endeavor that brings in a great deal of revenue for the family and the clan as a whole. Those who are trained to oversee such activities occasionally suffer from some degree of stigma for their association with mercantile pursuits, but the rewards are significant enough that there is never a shortage of willing candidates.

  • Technique Rank1
  • ReplacesIde Emissary 1 (This Path uses the same Benefit, Skills, Honor, and Outfit)
  • RequirementsCommerce 2
  • TechniqueThe Gilded Road - A true master of the caravan path can forge lasting bonds with his customers, and has reaped the rewards of his travels. You gain a bonus of +1k1 on all Commerce Skill Rolls. You also gain this bonus on all Social Skill Rolls made with your customers. You gain one level of the Wealthy Advantage and one instance of the Way of the Land Advantage for free.

Ide Trader [Courtier]

Commerce is ill regarded in samurai culture, yet it is essential to fuel the engines of war. The few Great Clans that dedicate families to the manipulation of the economy - the Yasuki of the Crab and Crane, the Daidoji of the Crane, and the Yoritomo of the Mantis - have considerable advantages over the others. The Ide Traders carve their own niche into this domain of conflict, utilizing their friendliness and eagerness to help others to facilitate their mercantile activities. Their affability is for the most part only a facade, however, for the best Ide Traders are as cunning and ruthless as the most cutthroat Yoritomo.

  • Technique Rank2
  • ReplacesIde Emissary 2
  • RequirementsCommerce 3, and must pursue a career as a merchant patron
  • TechniqueBrisk Economy - The Ide Trader is a master of the merchant class, extending his control across the land. You cannot lose Honor or Glory for using the Commerce skill in public. You may attempt to persuade someone to become a new mercantile partner for your clan by rolling Courtier (Manipulation) / Awareness with a bonus to the roll equal to double your Commerce Skill Rank. For persuading a commoner the suggested TN is 25, increased by the GM as appropriate if the target is hostile. Persuading a samurai requires a Contested Roll against the target's Etiquette (Courtesy) / Willpower, with the target gaining a bonus equal to double his Commerce Skill Rank. (Some samurai targets may gain additional bonus or even be immune to this Technique doe to unshakable loyalties - the GM has the final say in such manners.) If you succeed in the roll, the target agrees to become a part of your network of connections and commercial assets. You may immediately gain the target as a free Ally with 1 point of Devotion.

Iuchi Couriers (Lord of the Plains) [Shugenja]

Although they choose to refer to themselves by the humble appellation of the Iuchi Couriers, the shugenja who belong to this group are jokingly referred to by others within their clan as the Lords of the Plains due to their incredible ability to move at speeds no others can match. Shugenja trained by this group possess the ability to sooth the spirits of the Earth as they ride, creating a path of least resistance for their steed's benefit. This allows their horses to ride for much longer at a time, and with virtually no risk whatsoever of any missteps, even during the longest journeys.

  • Technique Rank2
  • ReplacesIuchi Shugenja 2
  • RequirementsHorsemanship 3, Way of the Land Advantage
  • TechniqueBeyond the Wind - You can shape the Earth as you ride, lending speed and endurance to your steed. With a five minute ritual and a successful Meditation Skill Roll (TN 15), you may bless your horse or the horse of another rider. For a number of hours equal to your Earth Ring, the horse will never suffer movement penalties based on terrain, nor will it suffer the effects of fatigue. The maximum number of horses which may benefit from this Technique at the same time is equal to your Earth Ring.

Iuchi Traveler [Shugenja] [CR]

The people of the Unicorn are the children of the Four Winds and their wanderlust is legendary. The Iuchi Traveler spends his life on the road from birth, moving from one place to the next in an attempt to see all the wonders of the Empire. The Travelers have developed secret rituals to traverse the land in mere moments, allowing them to come back from their journeys whenever the Unicorn Clan needed their powers. These rituals were later adapted for many uses, including war. Despite this change in responsibilities. the typical Traveler remains optimistic and cheerful at heart. Multiple spell slots may be expended in this manner to move across greater distances.

  • Technique Rank3
  • ReplacesIuchi Shugenja 3 or Horiuchi Shugenja 3
  • RequirementsAthletics 2, Horsmanship 2
  • TechniqueWhere the Wind Wills - You possess knowledge of the most sacred Unicorn magic: the art of moving from one point to another without crossing the space in between. You may spend 1 Void Point and expend 1 spell slot of either Air or Water (Void may not be used) as a Simple Action to instantly teleport a maximum distance equal to your School Rank x 100 feet. This affects only you and the material you are carrying, but by expending a second Void Point you may also teleport any horse-sized mount on which you are sitting at the time of the effect.

Moto Fanatic [Bushi]

The Moto family prefers an extremely aggressive outlook on warfare rather than the more conservative viewpoint of the Shinjo. Moto warriors use the mobility of their horses to quickly close the gap to their enemy, and the Fanatics fully embrace that ideal of war. They charge the front lines of opposing armies with alarming frequency, often suffering surprisingly few casualties for their brash behavior. It seems these Fanatics survive the harshest battlefields through a mixture of skill and compete disregard for their own safety. They believe an all-out crazed assault disorients the enemy, forcing them to commit mistakes they would otherwise avoid, and their success would seem to prove the point.

  • Technique Rank4
  • ReplacesAny Moto Bushi School 4
  • TechniqueReckless Abandon - The Moto Fanatic charges into the thick of battle with no thought to his own safety. If you are in the Full Attack Stance, you may spend a Void Point as a Simple Action to activate this Technique. You gain Reduction equal to your School Rank so long as your remain in the Full Attack Stance.

Rajya ke Varisa [Bushi]

The Rajya ke Varisa are a group of Crab, Unicorn, and Mantis samurai who study the fighting techniques of the Ivory Kingdoms kshatriya and find ways to use them in conjunction with Rokugani combat techniques. The gaijin turned-Mantis known as Yoritomo Singh also contributes to the organization’s training, seeking to preserve some aspects of his former culture. So far they have managed to devise only one technique, albeit one of significant value.

  • Technique Rank4
  • ReplacesHida Bushi 4, Shinjo Bushi 4, Moto Bushi 4, Yoritomo Bushi 4
  • TechniqueLegacy of the Kshatriya - The Rajya ke Varisa have learned to emulate the kshatriya technique that calls on religious devotion to strengthen their force of their blows. However, instead of calling on blasphemous gaijin gods, they call on the power of their devotion to the Fortunes. Twice per skirmish, before making an attack you may take a Free Action to spend a Void Point; if the subsequent attack succeeds, you may add unkept dice to your damage roll equal to your rank in the Lore: Theology skill.

Shinjo Magistrate [Bushi] [S&F]

Even since its return to the Empire, the Unicorn Clan has established a tradition of upholding the law and protecting the common folk, a tradition which often puts it into conflict with groups like the Scorpion Clan and the Empire’s various criminal groups. The Shinjo family dominate this tradition and develop a Technique in support of it - somewhat ironic given that the Shinjo family was also heavily infiltrated by the Kolat. After the exposure and purging of the Kolat by Lady Shinjo herself, the Shinjo Magistrates remade themselves to be especially skillful at rooting out and purging the Kolat influence, later assisting the Ox Clan in establishing the order known as the Vigilant.

  • Technique Rank2
  • ReplacesShinjo Bushi 2, Utaku Battle Maiden 2, Moto Bushi 2, Moto Vindicator 2
  • RequirementsInvestigation 3, Lore: Law 3
  • TechniqueEyes of the Vigilant - The Magistrates are charged with rooting out and destroying criminals, traitors, and law-breakers of all sorts. When using Investigation to try to locate clues or to test another person’s truthfulness, you gain a +1k0 bonus. When tracking known criminals or traitors you gain a +1k0 to Hunting Skill rolls, and when attacking such persons you gain a +1k0 to all Weapon Skill Rolls.GM’s Option: The Unicorn Vigilant - In games set after the Hidden Emperor era, the GM can reflect the Unicorn Clan’s efforts to purge Kolat influence by increasing the Investigation bonus to +1k1 when opposing Kolat activities or agents.

Shinjo Scout [Bushi] [CR]

The Unicorn Clan traveled through the dangerous lands outside Rokugan's borders and uncovered threats on every horizon. It soon became apparent that the band of heroes needed an advance unit traveling before them to skirt the most dangerous enemies. The Shinjo family accepted this duty. The Shinjo Scouts soon became adept in quietly stalking through foreign lands, comfortable as if they were in their own homes. Upon the Unicorn Clan's return to Rokugan the Shinjo Scouts traded knowledge with the Hiruma Scouts of the Crab Clan and grew even more formidable.

  • Technique Rank2
  • ReplacesMoto Bushi 2 or Shinjo Bushi 2
  • RequirementsStealth 3
  • TechniqueThe Swift Soul - The Shinjo Scout learns to slip by unnoticed, even deep in enemy territory. You may use the Stealth Skill while on horseback. You are considered to have the Way of the Land Advantage no matter where you are. Finally, you gain +1k0 to all attack rolls while Mounted.

Unicorn Bariqu Wrestler [Bushi]

Bariqu wrestling is distinct from the more widespread sumai wrestling, and is largely unknown outside of the Unicorn Clan. Within the Unicorn, its traditions date back to the time of the Ujik-Hai, the gaijin nomads who joined the clan and became the Moto family. Bariqu is focused on throwing the opponent, rather than driving him out of the ring, and makes heavy use of joint-locks and paralyzing holds.

  • Technique Rank2
  • ReplacesAny Moto bushi school 2, Shinjo Bushi 2
  • RequirementsJiujutsu (Bariqu) 3
  • TechniqueWay of the Ujik-Hai - A bariqu wrestler relies on his use of unconventional locks, holds, and maneuvers to defeat his foes, rather than just on raw strength. If your opponent in a Grapple does not have the Bariqu Emphasis of Jiujutsu, you gain a bonus of +1k1 when rolling to control the Grapple. If you have a higher Agility Rank than your opponent in a Grapple, you gain a +2k0 bonus when rolling to control the Grapple. These bonuses stack with each other.

Unicorn Doomseeker [Shugenja]

The Doomseekers are a Rokugani adaptation of an ancient Burning Sands order dedicated to bringing"death to the deathless" by rooting out and destroying immortal supernatural evils. The original targets of their technique were the heartless sorcerers known as khadi, but over the centuries they expanded their mission to include other immortal threats such as demons and rakshasa. (Ironically, it was actually a rakshasa, Adisbah the Cruel, who introduced the Doomseeker technique to Rokugan in order to avenge himself on the Bloodspeaker Iuchiban.) Within Rokugan the technique is extraordinarily rare and is only taught personto-person; thus far, there has never been more than one Rokugani Doomseeker in the same generation.

  • Technique Rank4
  • ReplacesIuchi Shugenja 4, Horiuchi Shugenja 4, Moto Death Priest 4
  • RequirementsWillpower 5. Must find a personal teacher who will share the secrets of the Doomseeker tradition.
  • TechniquePath of the Doomseeker - The Unicorn Doomseekers learn to root out immortal evils, primarily khadi but also other such immortal and demonic entities who cannot be readily identified. Any time you are in the presence of a hidden demon, monster, khadi, or similar entity, you may roll Willpower at TN 25 to sense the presence and location of the creature. (Some GMs may wish to make this roll secretly in order to avoid tipping off the players.) With a success, you are able to pick up subtle clues that give away the entity’s true nature to you.If you have become aware of the presence of such a creature (either through this Technique or in some other way), you may spend a spell slot as a Complex Action to make a Contested Willpower roll against the creature - with a success, you gain a spiritual insight into the entity’s true nature and learn one key piece of information (GM’s choice) about how it can be unmasked and/or defeated. The second part of this technique cannot be used against the same target more often than once per month.

Unicorn Wardog Masters [Bushi] [S&F]

During their time wandering the gaijin lands, the Unicorn tame and train a breed of dog unknown within Rokugan, eventually bringing it back with them to the Empire. These fierce and loyal animals are capable of fighting alongside their human masters, and the Unicorn maintain a small dojo which specifically trains bushi in the art of commanding and mastering their war-dogs.

  • Technique Rank4
  • ReplacesShinjo Bushi 4, Utaku Mounted Infantry 4, Moto Bushi 4
  • RequirementsAwareness 3, Willpower 4, Animal Handling (War Dogs) 5
  • TechniqueFerocity of the Ki Rin - The War-Dog Masters learn how to train an entire pack of war-dogs and how to control and direct the pack in combat. As a Complex Action, you can roll Animal Handling (War Dogs) / Willpower at TN 20 to give your entire pack of War-Dogs a simple command (such as “Attack” or “Track” or “Hold Position”). You can Raise on this roll to convey more sophisticated commands, subject to the GM’s judgment and limitations. Also, when your War-Dogs carry out attacks which you have ordered them to make, they gain a +1k0 bonus to their attack and damage rolls.

Unicorn Yomanri Archer [Bushi]

Although the majority of Unicorn continued to practice Rokugani archery during their travel through the gaijin lands, a significant minority learned the gaijin style of archery which the clan calls yomanri. A yomanri archer draws his arrow to his cheek and sights down the shaft, then releases it once he is confident in his aim.

  • Technique Rank4
  • ReplacesShinjo Bushi 4, Moto Bushi 4, Moto Vindicator 4, Utaku Battle Maiden 4
  • RequirementsAgility 4, Kyujutsu 5
  • TechniqueThe Way of Yomanri - Yomanri practitioners use a distinctive form of archery which relies on careful aiming rather than swift instinctive shooting. When using a yumi or dai-kyu, you may choose to spend one or more consecutive Simple Actions aiming your shot before you fire. Each such Simple Action awards either a +1k1 bonus to your attack roll or a +1k0 bonus to your damage (your choice). The maximum number of Simple Actions spent aiming cannot exceed your Agility Rank; moreover, if you are interrupted all benefits from the aiming are lost. This technique cannot be used while you are in the Center Stance.

Utaku Horse Master [Artisan, Bushi, Courtier, Shugenja]

The Utaku family maintains the greatest stables in the Empire. They breed the strongest horses in the land, and their famous Battle Maidens are the only ones allowed to ride their Utaku steeds into combat. The men of the Utaku family are charged with raising and training these horses, and many of them choose to eschew the theatre of war entirely to devote their lives to this duty. The Utaku Horse Master serves as stable master, rider, hunter, and friend to the horses under his care. A popular joke says the Horse Master marries twice in his lifetime - once to his spouse, the other to his stable.

  • Technique Rank2
  • ReplacesAny Unicorn School 2
  • RequirementsMust be a male of the Utaku family
  • TechniqueMaster of the Open Plains - The Utaku men devote themselves to raising and training horses, and are without question the greatest in Rokugan at this task. Indeed, the Unicorn claim that in all their travels across the world they have never encountered better. You gain a +2k0 bonus to all Animal Handling, Horsemanship, and Hunting rolls.