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The tea ceremony is an ancient and sacred tradition that was created in the Empire's earliest days, ostensibly by Lady Doji herself. It is a ritual that is handed down from parent to child, often with as much weight and attention as the passing down of a family blade from one to another. In a formal tea ceremony, the individual conducting the ritual formally sets the table, prepares the tea, and pours it for all participants, who then consume it in unison, all in complete silence. The ceremony has great spiritual significance, and helps clear the mind for those involved.

When conducting a tea ceremony, you must make a Tea Ceremony / Void roll (TN 15 + 5 for each participant after the second). The ceremony is intended for two people, but you may conduct it alone if desired, or up to five people total may be included. If the Skill Roll is successful, all participants regain a spent Void Point. The ceremony takes thirty minutes to complete successfully, and requires a quiet location to be conducted.

Note: Mastery Abilites rank 3 and 7 are house rules and are not part of the standard 4th edition ruleset.

Source Book
Mastery Abilities
Rank 3 - All participants gain a bonus of +1k0 to all contested social rolls made in the next hour.
Rank 5 - All participants regain 2 Void Points rather than 1.
Rank 7 - All participants gain a bonus of +2k0 (total) to all contested social rolls made in the next hour.
Skill Type