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The path of the shugenja begins with the innate ability to speak to the kami, but it continues with a life of rigorous study and devotion to research. Although non-shugenja can take up this craft, the essential understanding of how the invocation of the kami works makes it primarily the domain of shugenja. This research also allows scholarly shugenja to create new prayers that others can use, and allows them to entreat certain types of kami to perform tasks for them.

The Spell Research Emphasis allows you to formulate new spells. This typically requires a Spellcraft (Spell Research) / Intelligence with a TN equal to 10 plus the new spell's Mastery Level x 10. This requires a number of weeks of uninterrupted study equal to the new spell's Mastery Level. New spells should be submitted to the GM for consultation and approval before they are used.

The Importune Emphasis is used in a manner of a Social Skill when using the Commune spell to converse with a spirit, and especially when trying to persuade that spirit to be helpful.

Note: Mastery Abilites rank 3 and 7 are house rules and are not part of the standard 4th edition ruleset.

Source Book
Mastery Abilities
Rank 3 - The character gains a free innate ability chosen any time after reaching this rank.
Rank 5 - The character gains a +1k0 on Spell Casting Rolls.
Rank 7 - The character gains a +5 bonus to all rolls to importune a spell.
Skill Type
Use of the Importune Emphasis when interacting with kami spirits is considered use of a Social Skill
Importune, Spell Research