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War is the purpose of all samurai, and war often results in those who are wounded but not slain. A wounded samurai is a burden on his lord, unable to perform his duties and yet still requiring resources. Those who practice medicine have the sacred task of ensuring that a samurai recovers from his wounds and can rise again to serve once more.

Medicine can be used to treat many different injuries and ailments, including some spiritual ones. Specific diseases may be treated with the Disease Emphasis, although the TN for treatment will vary depending upon the disease in question. The same applies to poisons and the Antidote Emphasis. Non-human races may be treated using the Non-human Emphasis, but it must be purchased separately for each race (i.e. Nezumi Medicine, Naga Medicine, Zokujin Medicine, etc.) When you treat Wounds that an ally has suffered from damage, a successful Medicine (Wound Treatment) / Intelligence roll (TN 15) will remove one die (1k1) of Wounds from the victim. Each successful Raise on this roll allows an additional die to be rolled, but no more than one die is ever kept on such a roll. An injured individual may only benefit from a single Medicine Skill Roll per day, and each such roll made requires the use of a Medicine Kit, which allows for ten Medicine Skill Rolls before being consumed.

Note: Mstery Abilites rank 3 and 7 are house rules and are not part of the standard 4th edition ruleset.

Source Book
Mastery Abilities
Rank 3 - The character gains a free emphasis in this skill.
Rank 5 - The amount of Wounds healed on a successful Medicine roll is increased by +1k0.
Rank 7 - The amount of Wounds healed on a successful Medicine roll is increased by +2k0 (total).
Skill Type
Antidotes, Disease, Herbalism, Non-Humans, Wound Treatment