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One of the most prestigious appointments a samurai can receive is that of magistrate, an official tasked with enforing the laws within his lord's domain. As magistrates, samurai must often determine what has taken place under mysterious circumstances, and search out who is to blame for violating the word of their daimyo. Those with a keen eye and a sharp mind are often promoted to higher positions, serving their family, clan, or even the Empire as a whole.

Investigation represents your ability to assess your surroundings and gather information based on physical clues. It can also represent an ability to gather information from others over a longer period of time, hours or even days, in order to piece together different bits of information into a cohesive picture. Unlike other Intelligence or Perception Skill Rolls, Investigation can be re-rolled if you fail the initial roll. The second rall may not be made for at least an hour, however, and suffers a +15 increase to TN.

Investigation is most frequently used to locate something (or someone) hidden or concealed. If this is a person in hiding, a Contested Roll will be used, pitting the character's Investigation (Notice or Search Emphasis according to the circumstances) against the target's Stealth. The Interrogation Emphasis can be used to try to figure out if someone is lying, typically in a Contested Roll against the target's Sincerity.

Source Book
Mastery Abilities
Rank 3 - A second attempt to use the Search Emphasis may be made without an increase in the original TN.
Rank 5 - The character gains a bonus of +5 to the total of any Contested Roll made using Investigation.
Rank 7 - A third attempt to use the Search Emphasis may be made even if the second attempt fails.
Skill Type
Interrogation, Notice, Search