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Maho-tsukai use this spell to leave hidden messages, either to communicate with each other or to intimidate others. The message is written in blood onto any fl at surface, and may be up to ten words long (Raises can be taken to lengthen the message). When the message is completed, the blood will sink into the surface and disappear, reappearing later when a condition set by the caster is fulfi lled. Conditions for the message’s reappearance can be as simple or as complex as the caster might desire, so long as they are conditions the kansen can reasonably perceive (GM’s judgment). Until the message reappears, it is physically undetectable, although spells such as Sense or By the Light of the Moon will detect something magically concealed in the surface. If the spell’s duration expires without the trigger-event taking place, the hidden blood will reappear without forming the


Source Book
Area of Effect
One message (up to ten words)
1 week
Duration (+1 day per Raise)
Special (+3 words per Raise)