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Some individuals possess the ability to glimpse the strands of fate and destiny that make up the universe, and can gain some glimmer of insight into the future as a result. This sometimes involve studying the stars and their placement via astrology, but most often comes from the use of kawaru, small stones, sticks, and cones with variety of hexagram symbols engraved upon them. Kawaru are typically thrown into a bowl or other receptacle and then examined to determine the patterns.

You may attempt a divination once per day. The TN for this Skill Roll is 15, although depending upon the circumstances the GM may dictate a higher TN. If the roll is failed, a second roll may be attempted immediately if you expend a Void Point. (As usual, the TN for the second roll is increased by +10.) The results of divination attempts are notoriously vague, but should give some indistinct inkling of what is to come in the immediate future (i.e. "you see difficult times ahead," "an old enemy returns soon," "a shadow will fall over your father's house," etc).

Note: The rank 3 and 7 mastery abilites are house rules and are not part of the standard 4th edition ruleset.

Source Book
Mastery Abilities
Rank 3 - The character gains a free emphasis in this skill.
Rank 5 - A second Divination Skill Roll may be made without the cost of spending a Void Point. All other conditions for making the second Skill Roll still apply.
Rank 7 - The character can use Divination on two seperate subjects each day.
Skill Type
Astrology, Kawaru