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This spell calls on the Fortune of Wind to infuse the target's soul with the cooling serenity of an icy northern breeze, rendering him or her resistant to the pressures of emotion and stress. The target seems impervious to any sort of emotional manipulation or psychological pressure; in reality, he does feel normal emotions, but the presence of the Air kami mute their impact, so the target can perceive his own emotions as something distant and abstract.

The target of this spell gains a bonus of +2k2 to resist the effects of any Social Skill Roll or Fear effects. However, the same icy serenity which makes him resistant to others' manipulation also makes it difficult for him to perceive the emotions of others; he suffers a -2k0 penalty to any Awareness-based Social rolls.

Area of Effect
1 target person (may be the caster)
10 minute
Duration (+2 minutes per Raise)