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Originally developed by Asahina shugenja, this spell found its way into the hands of the Soshi and a few other orders after several minor incidents in court. It is sometimes considered to be a dishonorable spell, but in fact its uses need not be for subterfuge. Rather, much like the Crane courtiers' technique of Cadence, the spell allows discretion in communication in situations where this would not normally be possible. It relies on the playfulness of the Air kami and the subtleties of language.

The spell causes the kami to obscure a conversation between two or more persons. The Air spirits create a second layer of speech, one heard by everyone except those actually participating in the conversation (who may include the caster). Though the speakers are aware of this false layer of speech, they will clearly hear the actual conversation taking place. The illusion cannot normally be penetrated except by reading lips (since they will not match the false conversation), although a shugenja can pierce the deception by winning a Contested School Rank / Air roll against the caster.

Area of Effect
2 conversing persons (one may be the caster)
5 minutes
Area of Effect (+1 person per 2 Raises)
Duration (+1 minute per Raise)