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Security in communication is of paramount importance in many situations, and shugenja often find themselves in situations where a conversation is intended to be completely private, or when they cannot allow themselves to be interrupted by extraneous sounds. By placating the spirits of the Air, a shugenja can convince them to create a barrier against sounds, a bubble of silence through which sound will not pass. The spherical sound-barrier is normally centered around the caster, although with greater effort it can also be centered on a physical object up to fifty feet way. Once this spell is cast, the kami will not allow any sound to enter or leave this bubble, creating absolute privacy for anyone inside of the space. Once created, the bubble of silence will not move, even if the caster for the target object relocates.

Characters on one side of a Quiescence of Air spell's barrier gain two Free Raises on Stealth Rolls made against characters on the other side.

Ninube shugenja may cast Quiescence of Air as a Nothing Spell.

Area of Effect
30 foot diameter sphere
10 Rounds
Range (change to 50' for 2 Raises)
Duration (+3 Rounds per Raise)