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This spell is used to preserve the bodies of the dead until they can be properly disposed of (typically by cremation). It was originally developed to allow Imperial and other high-ranking nobles’ bodies to be preserved in dignity until their funerals, since the funeral rites of such major lords are not only lengthy but also tend to draw guests from great distances. The Crab have also found it useful for protecting their dead against the Taint, although the spell is difficult to use on the battlefield.

Rites of Preservation is a ritual spell that requires one hour to cast. When a corpse is blessed with this prayer, the Earth kami are entreated to protect the body against

putrefaction and other unclean influences, allowing it to remain pristine and untouched until cremation. This blessing is one of the more important religious duties of shugenja, and despite its association with dead flesh is considered an honorable task.

A body which is blessed by the Rites of Preservation will not putrefy for the duration of the spell. Moreover, because the blessing repels the attentions of the kansen, the corpse is immune to being animated by maho or the Taint until the spell expires.

Area of Effect
One human corpse
1 day
Duration (+1 day per three Raises)