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The secret methods of the Bloodspeaker Cult were pioneered

by Iuchiban himself and passed down through his chief apprentice, Yajinden, to other members of the cult. Only those of the Bloodspeakers who are high-ranking and knowledgeable enough to understand that Maho is the true source of the cult’s strength are allowed to learn this technique. The Bloodspeakers make no distinction between social caste, and have taught their secrets to samurai of all types, to peasants, and even to eta.

Clan School
School Techniques
Iuchiban’s Method - The high-ranking Bloodspeakers realize they are meddling with the Taint, but have learned ways to mitigate this, in part by shunting the corruption off onto their misguided followers. You learn two Maho spells of your choice and gain a Free Raise for Spell Casting Rolls with Maho spells. When casting a Maho spell, you may reduce the amount of Taint you gain by 1 point for every 2 additional Wounds you take when casting the spell. (This cannot decrease the Taint gain below 1 point.) However, if you are using someone else’s blood to power the spell, you may instead use this technique to transfer the Taint for the spell onto that person, at the rate of 1 point of Taint for every 2 extra Wounds infl icted. This can reduce your own Taint gain to 0.
Alternate Path Special
This technique can be taught to anyone, samurai or commoner, and can replace Techniques at any Insight Rank. If it is learned by a samurai at Rank 1, it replaces the samurai’s Rank One Technique and reduces the samurai’s Honor to 1.0, but does not affect the samurai’s Outfi t or starting Skills.
Path Technique Rank