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The monks of this small order spend most of their time among the common folk, but do occasionally interact with the samurai caste to offer counsel or to report abuse of the heimin. They seek to teach those who forsake Compassion and to bolster those who already practice it, subtly influencing the courts with their ideals. They use teaching, education, and example to spread their views rather than relying on actual political negotiation, and their effect can often be quite subtle. Monks who serve Ebisu are known to be extremely patient and will labor without complaint for endless days, awaiting the moment when their work can bear fruit among the samurai.

School Type
Clan School
Thousand Fortunes Monk 3, Jurojin’s Blessing Monk 3
School Techniques
The Voice of Humility - The monks of the Order of Ebisu spend their time among the peasants, seeking enlightenment by sharing the simple work of the heimin. However, on those occasions when they offer counsel to the samurai caste or make appeals on behalf of the peasants, their humble labors grant them an aura of serene enlightened harmony which even the most stubborn or callous samurai finds difficult to resist. In order to use this Technique, you must spend time working alongside the peasants at humble tasks (e.g. utilizing the Craft Skills associated with this Path). For each week you spend laboring in this manner, you gain a bonus Void Point which you may only spend on those Craft Skills, on Medicine Skill Rolls made to help peasants/hinin, or on Social Skill Rolls made against samurai. The maximum number of these bonus Void Points you may "hold" are equal to your Void Rank
At least two heimin Craft Skills at Rank 3 or higher
Path Technique Rank