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The Barefoot Brethren carry messages all across Rokugan, asking no price except food for their journey. They are famed for their endurance, regularly outpacing even Unicorn horses over long distances. Many of those they serve are heimin, who have few other ways to communicate with distant kin, but samurai also make use of the Barefoot Brethren.

School Type
Clan School
Any Fortunist Brotherhood Monk 2 (may not belong to the Order of Osano-Wo)
School Techniques
Koshin’s Favor - You gain only one Kiho at this Rank. The strength of Koshin prevents you from becoming Fatigued from travel or lack of sleep, but not from the lack of food/drink. You gain a +1k1 bonus to all Meditation rolls.
Ascetic, Meditation (Fasting) 3, Athletics 4
Alternate Path Special
Devotion to Koshin, Fortune of Roads
Path Technique Rank